First, I read through Bill C-52 and I'm very pleased with what I read, because in the years I've been investigating and dealing with corporate fraud with the Toronto Police Service, I've certainly seen a lot of change with respect to the way this is being managed. I'm very pleased, particularly with the sentencing, because, I don't care what anyone says, if somebody at the end of the day is convicted and there's the reality of their going to jail--and I think we've all witnessed this through comments and through people we've seen in the newspaper moving outside of or attempting to get back into Canada--jail certainly works. It's a definite deterrent. I've heard this from other people in dealing with people who have committed these crimes.
One thing I am concerned about--maybe not so much concerned, maybe that's a poor choice of words--is the restitution. It has been my experience, in all the years I've been dealing with this, that the restitution orders issued by the courts are really only in effect for the period of probation. At the end of the probation, if the restitution is not made, where does this leave the victim? The enforcement component of the restitution and the period of probation is very rarely ever enforced by the law after that.
The court also has the authority to issue what is referred to as a compensation order. A compensation order can be applied through the crown to the court as long as the victim is in court, at which time the judge, based on the facts and circumstances, can issue what is referred to as a compensation order. In my experience, that has always been a more favourable choice and direction to go in. Restitution I've always been a little leery of, because that only runs for the period of probation and nobody is monitoring that period of probation to ensure that victims are being compensated properly. At the end of the day, probation is over, there is no restitution, and the victims are back at square one.
So that may be something you want to consider, or at least think about, to ensure that this issue is looked at. Other than that, I'm very pleased with everything else I've looked at with respect to the changes forthcoming in the bill.
The other thing I want to speak to today, and Diane touched on it, is securities crime. I probably spent the better part of 16 or 17 years investigating corporate fraud. Over those years I've had many years of dealing within the securities industry in particular and the market where fraud and allegations of fraud have occurred.
In years gone by, there was a set procedure, a set format, whereby an intake process was set in place for all crimes relating to fraud. Victims would attend or at least deal with the police. At that stage there would be an intake process, an assessment or triage of what had occurred. Based on that, the police would make a determination, based on the facts and the evidence readily available, whether to proceed to the next step, take on the case, and conduct the investigation. That worked very well for all types of crimes, particularly fraud.
Since about 2003 there has been a change in that, a shift in who would be looking at the investigations occurring within the securities industry. From that time forward, from where I've sat and from what I've seen, to me, all that has done is increase the state of confusion for the victims and for our officers. What I mean by that is that there is uncertainty as to who really will be taking the lead in conducting the investigations. There's the uncertainty as to where the victims are able to introduce their complaints into a police environment. The way it stands now, the first person many of these victims who go to police services are going to meet will not, for the most part...and it's no fault of the officers. Officers have a very difficult time understanding fraud at the low level. This is why it's critical to have the appropriate people in place within police services who understand all the components of fraud and criminal laws that pertain to them.
So I'm proposing we set up a securities crime unit composed of 22 officers and one executive assistant. Quebec recently brought in 22 police officers plus three special crowns to deal with fraud, at a budget of $6 million. I've worked this out, and the way it stands nationally, with 22 plus one executive assistant, it can be done for $5 million.
It's a very effective system, a very effective unit. It works on the basis that they are very motivated and highly skilled officers who have the ability to understand and determine what is and what is not fraud. They have the ability to understand, manage, and control evidence. They're able to meet with victims and understand exactly the nature of their complaints. They can very quickly determine what is fraud, what is not, and what can be investigated. They have the ability to very quickly understand the jurisdictional authority and determine which police service has the ability to investigate the alleged crime. It may involve more than one police service.
Once it is determined that an offence has taken place, the securities crime unit prepare a package based on the documentation provided by the victim. They ensure that the package is prepared in a format that can be received by any police service in Canada, at the introduction level, on the basis that a criminal offence has taken place. Once that is done, an investigator is assigned and the investigation moves ahead.
There is always a point of reference with the securities crime unit to the police service engaged in that investigative process, and they work directly with the public. The nice thing about it is that it's a stand-alone operation.
Something that has always been criticized and has created a lot of problems and grey areas occurs when you engage a police officer in a relationship that is too close--by design or perception--to a regulator or any other person or group that has specific authorities under specific acts, and things can be piggybacked for criminal purposes on a provincial statute under that authority and used to further a criminal investigation. Whether or not that actually occurs, any time that moves forward into a criminal environment there's always the risk that the case will be finished due to concerns about compromise and movement and migration of authorities and evidence.
That perception has occurred on many occasions. In some cases certain document flows have moved from one side to the other and have affected relatively good criminal investigations. The investigations were ruined, and they were not able to move forward from that point.
This unit is completely stand-alone. There's a hierarchy that's audible as you get into it. There's public accountability on the entire system from all levels of government. It falls under a police services board. There's everything under the federal public minister. There's reporting to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. So it's completely open and transparent and is reportable through all levels of government above it.
It also works with all police services. In this day and age, I don't know why we are not engaging all of the resources currently available to us. Most police services have a fraud component within them. I know for a fact that they are very good, competent, and skilled investigators. I've worked with a number of them. I've known a number of them for years and I know their abilities. I'll tell you right now that in this country the fraud investigators across Canada are probably some of the top investigators on the continent. So when I hear stories about people saying that the police do not have the ability to understand these sophisticated types of crimes, I do not buy that for a moment.
We have to be able to get outside of the box from where we are now. The securities crime unit will engage all the resources of all the police services--including the RCMP--and get them actively involved in investigating these frauds that occur within their jurisdictions.
It's set up to work with all police services--provincial, regional, municipal, and federal. Based on that, it's a good system and it's a working system. It has worked for a number of years at different levels in police services and in policing for the basic fundamental intake assessment and investigation of crimes. All I'm doing now is looking at it on a larger scale, increasing the level, and specializing the core functions of people who take on this role in their ability to work with the public directly, prepare packages, refer to the police, work with the police, and move from that point forward.
When a complainant walks into a police division district today to talk to an officer, nine times out of ten there is a great deal of confusion as to who will conduct the investigation. Unfortunately, after 2003 most police services believed that if anything had to do with securities, the victim was automatically referred to IMET for the purposes of that investigation. That has created a lot of public frustration at the end of the day as to how these are managed.
I'll wrap it up at that point. That's basically what I am proposing and what I've put together.
Thank you.