As per our presentation last year, we're very much in support of the interlock system, particularly when it is applied early on. We do know that many drivers continue to drive, but there is provision under the code to provide a reduced time to get the licence back under certain circumstances, such as the interlock system. By controlling the driver, we feel that we can reduce collisions and then bring them into a system where they will respect the law.
What happened here in Ontario is very interesting, because what we had was a year without a licence and then a year with the breathalyzer, as opposed to what Quebec was doing, where after three months they could get a limited licence with it.
In Ontario, after a year, people didn't go under the interlock system. They just waited another year before they got their licence, which meant that in that first year they got used to driving without a licence and they figured they were not going to get caught, and they just kept right on going until they could get their full licence after two years.
I think most drivers can respect it for a little while, and then if there is an opportunity to get the interlock system, they will enter it so that they can be legal. But if they wait too long and get into the practice of driving without a licence, they will just stay that way.