Thanks, Chair.
And thank you to all the witnesses. Your testimony today has been interesting.
We are talking about a number of important issues. We're talking about safety on the roads in the context of impaired driving. To that end we're also talking about the blood alcohol levels.
I find that what's been provided by the Canadian Police Association is extremely helpful, but also interesting. On this graph you provided, under our current law of 0.08 someone could have what you've called five standard drinks over the course of two hours and be below that 0.08 level. And in fact someone could have three standard drinks in two hours and be below the 0.05 level, where in most provinces there would be some administrative penalty if they had gone over 0.05. This is the case of a 200-pound male having three drinks in two hours. He would be below that administrative level. In fact, by having five drinks in two hours, someone would be below the Criminal Code level.
Since you are on the front line, I'll ask the Police Association whether individuals are more genuinely shocked when they blow over or when they go under. I'm wondering if you ever get a sense that someone, maybe in an honest moment, says, “Wow, I can't believe it. I'm out of here.”