Therefore, you do not know. The federal Department of Justice wanted to know, and they ordered a study: I quote:
Although mandatory sentences of imprisonment have been introduced in a number of western nations, few jurisdictions have evaluated the impact of these laws on prison populations or crime rates. The studies that have examined the impact of these laws reported variable effects on prison populations, and no discernible effect on crime rates.
I would like the lawyers present to answer me on this issue. I will give you a striking example of something that we have experienced. We established a seven-year mandatory minimum for the importation of marijuana. It was at that moment that the use of marijuana had its greatest increase in this country.
Do you not believe that if we wanted to do something truly effective, we should move towards the solutions proposed by Mr. Rosen? Rather than considering a small bill like this one to justify some kind of principle according to which mandatory minimums are included in legislation, popularity is increased and justice better served, we would do better to move towards stricter regulations that would convince people who are prepared to perpetrate major frauds that if they try, they will be caught.