Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to all of your fellow members.
I am pleased to be here to discuss the supplementary estimates C before you. As you indicated, I am appearing here with the Deputy Minister of Justice, John Sims, and I am pleased to have with me as well Brian Saunders, director of public prosecutions.
Of course, any time I appear it is in my dual capacity as Minister of Justice and Attorney General, roles that have been united ever since Sir John A. Macdonald came up with the idea that both of these positions should be together. We have continued that tradition, and I am pleased to fill that role at the present time.
As you know, Mr. Chairman, our government in unwavering in its commitment to fighting crime and to ensuring the safety and security of Canadians. I'd like to acknowledge the invaluable contributions made every day on the front lines of our fight against crime by police officers, prosecutors, community workers and volunteers who day in and day out devote themselves to the communities they serve.
Our government has made great strides in protecting Canadians and cracking down on crime. You will remember the comprehensive Tackling Violent Crime Act, which increases penalties for those convicted of a whole series of crimes. In addition we increased penalties for those convicted of street racing, and we established the national anti-drug strategy to curb illicit drug use in Canada.
I am proud to do my part in working with you and members of the House of Commons and Senate in continuing this important work.
Most recently I have introduced legislation in the House of Commons to amend the Criminal Code in the areas of gang violence and organized crime. Specifically, this legislation would make murders that are connected to organized crime activity automatically first degree murders. That would mean an individual would be looking at 25 years in a federal penitentiary before being eligible for parole. So this legislation would put murders connected to organized crime into that category. I think most people who look at this agree this is a reasonable step forward. It also creates a broad-based offence to target drive-by and other intentional shootings. As well, we are increasing the penalties for those who intimidate police officers, prosecutors, and judges.
I will also reintroduce legislation from the previous session regarding mandatory minimum penalties for serious drug offences, specifically those involving violence or weapons, or which involve trafficking drugs to young people, or importing or exporting of drugs.
In the coming days I look forward to continuing this work by introducing other legislation consistent with our promise to protect Canadians.
Mr. Chairman, the protections we seek to provide Canadians extend to their financial security as well. Canadians are not immune to the effects of the growing economic instability around the globe. Government departments and agencies are doing their part to ensure that the funds allocated to them are spent wisely. Over and above that obligation, the justice portfolio has a more specific role in fighting capital market fraud and white collar crime. The RCMP, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, and the Department of Justice, as well as the Departments of Finance and Public Safety, are all partners in the integrated market enforcement teams program. The IMET program's goal is to effectively enforce the law against serious criminal capital market fraud offences in Canada. The IMET units based in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal investigate serious Criminal Code offences that are of regional or national significance, and that threaten investor confidence or economic stability.
I am sure, Mr. Chairman, you can understand the importance of that in the present economic context.
As is the case for many of our government's programs, the collaboration of IMET units with our provincial and territorial partners accounts for much of the success in responding to the needs of Canadians. For example, to investigate these offences, members of the RCMP and Public Prosecution Service legal advisers often work closely with investigators from provincial or municipal police forces, as well as experts seconded from provincial securities regulators. In addition to its prosecution role, the PPSC provides legal advice to the IMET units.
The Department of Justice provides support to these units with respect to mutual legal assistance requests to foreign governments, as well as handling any related extradition requests. The justice department also manages and administers the IMET reserve fund to reimburse our provincial partners for extraordinary expenses related to IMET prosecutions, working with the Public Prosecution Service officials to review and approve requests from provinces for access to this contribution fund.
In the coming year, we will continue to work on making IMETs more effective. These efforts include our officials, other levels of governments, and other departments and agencies.
To conclude, Mr. Chairman, I would like to reiterate that the Public Prosecution Service of Canada and the Department of Justice are playing key roles in the government's work to respond to the needs of Canadians. We will continue to do our utmost to ensure that funds are spent wisely in the service of Canadians.
Thank you.
I look forward to any questions you may have.