Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Kelly, for coming this morning. I think your presentation was very compelling, and I appreciate the thought that you put into it.
Mr. Chair, I have a brief question. Perhaps Madam Mendes would have one also, if I have any time left.
Kelly, I thought that in an answer to a previous question, you zeroed in on an interesting point: the instructions or the guidelines you would give to your prosecutors, or the context in which your prosecutors would seek an adult sentence.
There's a lot of confusion, I think. The government talks about repeat violent youth offenders and changing the Youth Criminal Justice Act. They keep repeating that, for obvious reasons, because they're zeroing in on a public anxiety around a very narrow band. Thank God the programs you talked about and other interventions can hopefully reduce the number of young persons who would fall into the repeat violent youth offender category.
In those circumstances, however, your prosecutors retain the discretion to seek an adult sentence, right?