Good after noon, Mr. Chair, and members. I would first like to explain certain rules for how the Barreau du Québec operates and how it adopts its policies or positions.
With me today are Nicole Dufour and our articling student, François. I will be speaking on behalf of the Barreau du Québec.
The position I will be presenting today is the result of consultations held by a standing committee on criminal law at the Barreau du Québec. The members of that committee are professors, federal and provincial prosecutors and defence counsel. The Barreau du Québec does not take any position unless its criminal law committee has reached a consensus. So the comments I will be making represent the consensus in Quebec among professors, Crown prosecutors and defence counsel, and in our opinion this lends considerable weight to the Barreau's contribution.
We had the impression that the documentation provided to the Senate would be transferred to you; we have learned that this was not the case, so we will send the clerk of your committee the written position of the Bâtonnier du Québec.
Obviously, this is a reintroduced bill. The Barreau du Québec had taken a position when Bill C-36 was introduced, which is now called S-6. Given the extent of the amendments, we want to provide you with our comments.
The purpose of Bill S-6 is to amend the rules set out in sections 745.6 et seq. of the Criminal Code. If the proposed amendments are adopted, the bill that we knew as the "faint hope" clause will be eliminated for murders committed after this law comes into force and for individuals who are serving sentences. I will summarize it as follows: Parliament is deliberately complicating the application and eliminating judicial discretion, and is also using procedural subterfuges to introduce a mandatory 90-day deadline for making an application.
We would remind you of what Parliament's intention was when it enacted section 745.6. That provision followed on the abolition of the death penalty in 1976. For a person convicted of first degree murder, the sentence was then to be imprisonment for life with no possibility of parole before 25 years had been served. At the time, that parole eligibility period was described as a necessary compromise for abolishing the death penalty. The faint hope clause was then adopted to give the convicted person a glimmer of hope, to leave some incentive when such a severe punishment is imposed for the most serious crimes. It allows a convicted person to be granted parole before serving 25 years of their life sentence, if they show that they are capable of reintegrating into society and if they demonstrate good conduct in prison; I will add, exemplary conduct.
Given the possibility of the remission of what may be as much as 10 years of their sentence, an inmate has an incentive to mend their ways and adopt a course of conduct that will make their application for a reduction of the parole eligibility period more likely to succeed. The inmate is then better able to cope with the despair caused by sentencing someone to life imprisonment, because of the realistic possibility available to them of reintegrating into society before their life is over.
Considering that the objective of section 745.6 is to give a person convicted of murder a faint hope, to encourage them to change for the better, the Barreau du Québec wonders what motivates the government to deny the value of that objective. The Barreau du Québec has stated its views in the past on a bill with the same objectives, Bill C-45, which was introduced in 1994, at which time it stated that it opposed the proposed amendments to that section.
In the Barreau's opinion, the process set out in section 745.6 was working perfectly and did not need any legislative amendment. We believe it is still of the same opinion and the figures disclosed by Don Head prove very clearly that the system is working for people who are incarcerated for a serious crime. It is working, since out of the 4,000 and more people who have been imprisoned for sentences, ultimately only the most deserving have been able to pass the review, the review by a judge, first, and then by a jury. The jury is important here; it is the jury of the community where the offence took place, and it is they who are given the task of making the finding of guilt. They have the power, on behalf of the community, to allow the individual to apply to Ms. Pelletier so that hearings will be held in order that they might eventually be released.
The bill shifts the preliminary burden that the judge will have to consider and introduces the concept of substantial likelihood, when the burden is lower at present. That seems to us to be a way of further complicating the way this process is initiated, for a person who, notwithstanding the complete good faith of the Correctional Service, is an inmate who will have to make applications to obtain their files and deal with the delays and difficulty involved in obtaining complete documentation.
On that point, I know that the committee has heard the very eloquent testimony of Kim Pate, who told you about the maze she has had to navigate to help some women make their applications.
In Vaillancourt v. Solicitor General of Canada, the Supreme Court of Ontario held that the present review process struck a fair balance between the need to show clemency to a convicted person whose conduct while serving their sentence is good, which may contribute to their reintegration into society, and the interests of the community, which demands that the act that led to incarceration of the offender be denounced.
On that point, we want to draw your attention to the statistics. The Bâtonnier provided 2009 statistics; we have had the benefit of having up to date statistics. I also think those statistics speak volumes.
The Barreau is also concerned that the effect of the bill, if it is passed, will be to fetter judicial discretion. The Criminal Code provides only general guidelines that apply to the application, and under the provision of the Code the jury must make a decision based on the character of the applicant, their conduct while serving their sentence, the nature of the offence, and any other matters they consider relevant in the circumstances. That discretion is assigned to the jury. As well, when it refuses an application, the minimum time before making a new application would now be five years; currently, it is two years. This also fetters judicial discretion. The judge is the person in the best position to determine when a new application may be made. It would therefore be preferable to give the judge discretion to make five years the time for a new application, while making two years the minimum, rather than setting a mandatory minimum time of five years.
The Barreau du Québec is also concerned about the introduction of a mandatory 90-day deadline, when in many situations the person will have to apply for judicial review to the chief justice of the province in which the crime took place, which is often different from where they are incarcerated. So this is not a simple matter. It is so complicated, in fact, that there has been an agreement between the federal government and the provinces to ensure that legal aid schemes agree to pay a lawyer in each province. The file has to be transferred, and in some cases the records and documents have to be translated. While this is clear to us lawyers, it may be less clear for people who are not lawyers, in spite of the complete good faith on the part of the Correctional Service and the accused. In Quebec, we have a form about four pages long to be filled out to be able to make an application, which is examined by the Superior Court judge.
On behalf of the Barreau du Québec, I think that if the government's intention is to amend an Act to make sentences of imprisonment harsher, that is certainly not an intention supported by a criminological study of victims. We do not see how this bill could help victims; quite the contrary. We believe that in the Criminal Code as it now stands, all of the information needed for making victims feel safe and explaining the judicial process to them is there, specifically section 745.01, which requires that the judge read the sentence and, in passing sentence, tell the entire community that although the individual has been sentenced to imprisonment for life, they may, in certain cases and after a certain time, apply to a jury for the opportunity to apply for early parole.
Thank you.