Since I've been the main proponent of legalization, as you explained, I didn't come to this conclusion out of any one study or because I use drugs, or anything like that. It has taken me 30-odd years. If you look at some of my books, you'll see that I don't argue this at all, but the opposite: more enforcement, more enforcement, more enforcement. It's not because I'm a libertarian, which is a bit of a bogey argument. I'm saying this as someone who has studied organized crime all my life, that marijuana just has to be available, because it is available.
Mr. Norlock said that making it legal means that more people will use it, and there'll be more sickness, more illness, and everything. That's simply not true, not if it comes with an educational component. There may be fewer people using it. During prohibition, alcohol was illegal and more people drank than ever before, I believe—you can check it out, but they certainly drank quite heavily.
The government is already a “merchant of death”, to use Antonio's very dramatic phrase. I understand where he's coming from, but the government is already a merchant of death with cigarette taxes and with alcohol control and taxes.
In terms of gambling, I think it's iniquitous, some of these ads. I remember before gambling was run by the government. They sneak you into becoming gamblers on television. It doesn't matter what government is in power—Conservative, Liberal, or NDP—they all run these ads saying, “Oh, you can be a millionaire overnight.” That's not what they should be doing. They should actually be using the money they're getting from gambling to tell you how not to get addicted, and to fight the gambling addiction.
So I would argue that making marijuana legal isn't something that I think is good for society or bad for society. It's somewhere in the middle. We have to fight it, obviously. We don't want everyone running around stoned on marijuana, and I don't think they would be. Obviously, to succeed in this world, you can't be stoned, whether it's on alcohol, which is legal, or drugs that you get from your doctor, such as Ritalin, or God knows what they give kids nowadays and they get addicted to. It's not the way you get ahead in this world.