I've heard many times that same comment about the deterrent effect of sentencing. I think, in large measure, it is in reference to the time served. However, what I am referring to here are really the profits that can be gained. For example, a tractor trailer load of smuggled or counterfeit cigarettes will yield about $1 million in revenue.
I'm really talking about the less obvious federal statutes, which are often used for prosecutions of counterfeit products, for example. If you see a tractor trailer load of counterfeit Gucci purses or something of that nature, and it cost us $600,000 or $700,000 to do the investigation, the penalties provided by the relevant act are fairly small. In most cases, the suspect simply considers the penalty a cost of doing business. A $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000 fine is not a significant deterrent and has just a small impact on the criminal's overall revenue. That's the focus of my comments.