If I could respond very briefly, I have seen previous testimony and your questions and those of your colleagues with respect to the changes to section 3, so I'm familiar with it. As I read the proposed changes to section 3 of the act, they incorporate many of the things that are currently in section 3.
The only addition is the reference to “protection of the public” explicitly, and also subparagraph (i) under paragraph 3(1)(a). The reference to holding young persons accountable by “proportionate” measures is new. That is also in section 38 of the act. The difference is that this would apply more broadly; it refers not simply to sentences but to measures, so you would have extrajudicial and other measures that would be proportionate.
Now, proportionality isn't a concept that only increases; it is a concept that can decrease as well, based on the circumstances and the degree of responsibility for the young person, so for a serious offence with a low degree of responsibility, proportionality will pull back the severity of the measure that might otherwise apply.