I will start with giving a bit of history on the crimorg.ca site. It was a proposal that was raised at the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Heads of Prosecutions Committee, of which all prosecutors in Canada are members. It was Manitoba that came forth with the idea. They suggested we create this website that would be secure and available to all prosecutors involved in organized crime prosecutions across the country. It would enable them to keep up to date on the latest developments in the law, to have access to each other in the form of chat rooms, and also to make it available to internationally based experts in the area.
That was the goal. When it came to financing it they looked to the heads of prosecution who worked at the federal level. They looked to the federal government to see whether money could be made available to set up the website. Public Safety indicated that it had a program where money was available for this type of initiative, and it was agreed that it would make more sense that if they had the money, it would be run out of the Public Prosecution Service, so they provided us with the money to hire the people necessary to run the website.
That said, the website has been up and running for about the last year. There are close to 200 registered users, and they would be prosecutors from our federal prosecution services and from the prosecution services of the provinces.