I would like to thank the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights for inviting the Social Services Network to appear before you as you are examining Bill C-36, an act to amend the Criminal Code in reference to the issue of elder abuse.
My name is Dr. Naila Butt. I'm the executive director of the Social Services Network, a not-for-profit charitable organization located in Markham.
The Social Services Network was established in 2004 to deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate direct services to the diverse multicultural South Asian population. Our goal is to inform, support, and empower the community to live an independent and enriched life and to integrate it into the broader Canadian context. With a growing portfolio of services and projects, our multilingual staff represent many South Asian cultures, countries, and faiths, and we have delivered over 27 projects with 32 community partners involving volunteers, coordinated more than 800 awareness and wellness activities, served 4,000 South Asian clients, and engaged over 50,000 community members.
Over the last two years we have established ourselves as a major provincial and national player, particularly as we are at the forefront of addressing the issue of violence in South Asian families, including a strong focus on elder abuse.
One of our main avenues for addressing the issue is through our Impact of Family Violence: A South Asian Perspective, which is an annual province-wide conference project.
Our expertise has also been acknowledged through the awarding of a pan-Canadian initiative funded by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada's new horizons for seniors program. It sets out to work with South Asian seniors from diverse cultural and linguistic communities and the relevant sectors involved in violence prevention and abuse to identify the areas where seniors are at risk of abuse. The goal is to establish a coordinated community response and increase knowledge on elder abuse awareness and the relevant supports that are needed.
Using a local-level community development approach, this project is currently being implemented in four regions of Ontario—York, Toronto, Peel, and London—with the goal of addressing and reducing elder abuse in our communities.
Why is elder abuse a concern for South Asian families?
Elder abuse in South Asian communities is becoming a growing concern, as SSN front-line staff have identified from their work in the community and as detailed in our Impact of Family Violence conference report.
The report of the May 5, 2011, conference presents a compilation of the collective and cumulative ideas of over 200 conference participants and experts who agreed upon recommended next steps to take this work forward.
There is little concrete quantitative data that outlines the extent of elder abuse in South Asian communities, but the results of the conference and other focus groups that have been conducted by SSN indicate that elder abuse is a prevalent issue that has been silenced in South Asian homes.
In both conferences, in 2011 and 2012, we dedicated a workshop to the issue of abuse against South Asian seniors. Workshop participants included front-line service providers representing diverse linguistic, faith, and cultural South Asian communities who work directly with seniors; South Asian seniors themselves; academic subject-matter experts; and mainstream organizations involved with the issue of elder abuse, including the Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly, and the Toronto, York, and Peel police services, which have expertise in elder abuse.
A quote from one of our six community workers who work directly with the families and seniors helps to summarize and contextualize this issue: Seniors are not aware of what constitutes elder abuse. They do not know of their rights. They are afraid of speaking out. Many feel ashamed of the treatment they are receiving from their children and grandchildren. Due to language and cultural barriers, they are unable to access many supports that are available.
South Asian seniors are clearly isolated and neglected. Most live with their adult children and their grandchildren, who are busy with their school and paid work. There's a communication gap with youth, and with the adult children at work, there is no time to provide support to seniors.
Many seniors are experiencing exploitation in terms of having their pension cheques taken away from them, leaving them with no access to money, and the expectation that they are to provide child care, housework, and cooking for the family, which are difficult activities for older seniors who are sometimes frail and unhealthy.
Family dynamics are complex, with multiple factors influencing stressors in the home. For example, there are financial challenges for their adult children who, as immigrants, find it difficult to find a job but need to support their own children and their parents.
There is a notion in the South Asian culture that when you have children, they will look after you as you age, just as you took care of them when they were young. In their home countries, this expectation is supported. However, immigrant families experience multiple barriers to inclusion, such as systemic discrimination in employment and education and other settlement stresses that put pressure on this custom.
Seniors and front-line workers described the psychological, verbal, and emotional abuse seniors were experiencing in the home, leading to depression and mental health issues. Some South Asian seniors, such as Tamil seniors, suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder related to their experiences of war, and they worry about their families back home. Financial abuse is also evident, leaving seniors dependent on their adult children even for transportation money.
Active and passive neglect of seniors also seems to be evident in this community. Violation of rights is definitely a form of abuse that is experienced by South Asian seniors. False information about their entitlements as sponsored immigrants and fear of deportation and the police are tactics that are sometimes used by abusers to control the seniors in their homes.
In addition, there is a lack of knowledge about the Canadian system and laws, and they do not know where to go to get help. In a few cases we heard about physical violence against seniors in the home.
One of the biggest issues that arose in many of our discussions on the issue of elder abuse was the cultural and specific systemic barriers to disclosure and reporting. Because of this, we inferred that the incidence of elder abuse is higher than has been identified.
What are the barriers for these seniors in accessing services? There is a strong fear of bringing shame to the family, or they may be too proud to confess their problems to others. It also brings shame to the whole family if others in their cultural and religious community think their children aren’t taking care of their parents.
From the adult children's perspective, it can be considered a shame to bring in outside caregiving help for their senior parents, thus placing the burden of caregiving on already busy families. Language barriers, cultural conflict, loss of their social support system, and their changing role in Canada also contribute to the seniors' vulnerability. They don’t know where to go, nor do they have an understanding of their rights and entitlements. Lastly, South Asian seniors are hesitant to use the mainstream services because there is fear that agency intervention will result in family breakup and disintegration of the family.
However, we do recognize that the factors influencing the occurrence of elder abuse in these homes are complicated and go beyond the individual family or cultural experience. For the diverse South Asian populations living in Canada, the most significant stressors they experience relate to the migration and settlement processes. They're trying to find jobs, secure affordable housing, pay the rent, buy groceries, and understand the Canadian justice system.
Stress and poverty are attacking their physical and mental health, with isolation, frustration, and depression taking over. Homes are overcrowded, and families are experiencing stresses within the family home related to the new need for more than one breadwinner here in Canada and the changing role of women and elders.
When examining the issues related to family violence in South Asian families, explanations that emphasize culture often provide an overly simplistic analysis to the complex and confusing web of problems that South Asian families in Canada are engulfed in.