Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Gordon and Dominic, for coming here today and testifying, and bringing your experience and your thoughts and your wisdom to this.
The first question I have stems from issues that arise in my constituency. I represent the four bands at Hobbema. They do make the news sometimes for all the wrong reasons, with some of the gang issues they have there and some unsolved murders. A lot of that issue is surrounded by the fact that everybody there knows who did it, but nobody will come forward to testify for fear of retribution or intimidation and because of the way the court system currently works.
We've made some changes when it comes to reverse onus on bail and so on, but I guess I'm asking you specifically. When you know something has happened but no one is going to testify, can you give us some concrete examples and maybe some recommendations of how we can even further strengthen either the legislation that's before us or other legislation or other parts of the Criminal Code so that we can get rid of this intimidation and this fear of retribution or at least minimize the impact that it has, so that people will come forward and tell these stories?