Thank you very much.
I just wanted to add about the prevalence of FASD. We don't know the true prevalence of FASD in the population of Canada. We have very outdated estimates, which were adopted from the United States. We believe it's only 1% of the population. Currently we are conducting a population-based study among elementary school children, and hopefully, in a year or so we will have a better idea about the prevalence of FASD in the general population.
We don't think that the level of FASD is decreasing. Unfortunately, it will increase in the near future for two reasons. The first reason is that alcohol consumption, especially among young women of child-bearing age, is increasing, especially binge drinking, which is the most detrimental pattern for FASD. The second reason is that the majority of pregnancies are unplanned. We believe that in developed countries it's about 50%.
Thank you.