Well, the rationale for that, Mr. Dechert, and thank you for that question, was to capture that broader category of service animals. Above and beyond those working in law enforcement, this would also involve the type of animals we see working in border services, with the military, but also those animals that each and every day are interacting with the general public and providing a real benefit and a service, not only to individuals but to society generally.
There was a time not that many years ago when it was almost frowned upon for a person to have an animal with them in a mall, in public areas. Now we are seeing the utility that these animals bring. We're ratcheting up, if you will, the threshold of protecting those animals while they're working.
When the animals are in training—and this was something, quite frankly, that I needed to remind myself of—you're not supposed to approach them. Those who have animals with them while they're working will remind you: “Look, I'm sorry, but don't pat this animal. It's working. It's in the process of providing a service.”
I mention that only to underscore that these are animals of great social utility; they deserve greater protection, greater recognition. In fact, I'm also hopeful that they will benefit from greater inclusion and understanding of the role that they provide. Part of the criminal sanctions are for the purpose of protection. Part of this exercise, we hope, is to have a greater understanding of how we work with our four-legged friends and that what they do is of real benefit for our country.
Mr. Chair, not far from where we're gathered here, we have a statue that was built to recognize a dog that gave its life in service of Canada during the war. It picked up a grenade in its mouth and ran away from the soldiers who were gathered in that area, and thus when the explosion went off, the animal died. It's the same thing in Newfoundland and Labrador. There was a very famous dog that was a mascot for the Royal Newfoundland Regiment that gave its life in the service of the country.
These are acts of heroism by our furry little friends that really deserve recognition. Similarly, and not to in any way diminish the importance of it, they deserve protection under the law.