What distinguishes a law enforcement animal from all other animals is that an attack on that animal is an attack
on the administration of justice.
That's a very important factor that distinguishes the law enforcement animal from all other animals, just as there's a reason we distinguish an assault on a peace officer, a police officer in particular, from assaults on ordinary individuals.
Perhaps this is an opportunity to refer to clause 2 of this bill, which creates a new sentencing provision specifically with regard to assaults that are committed on peace officers—assaults, common assault, an assault causing bodily harm, or the aggravated assault on a peace officer. Henceforward from when this legislation comes into force, that sentence will be served consecutively to whatever other sentence the individual is convicted of.
So if the police officer is arresting someone for a break and enter, and that individual resists and assaults the police officer, the offender will get whatever sentence he was going to get for the break and enter, and the term of imprisonment that's imposed for the assault on the police officer will not be served concurrently, but will be served consecutively. This again recognizes that assaults on peace officers, police officers, and these law enforcement animals are actually assaults on the administration of justice, or are crimes committed in the larger sense against the administration of justice.