Mr. Chair and committee members, thank you very much for agreeing to hear the comments of the Fédération des associations de juristes d'expression française, or FAJEF, on a different aspect of the amendment to the Divorce Act, that of protecting the right of individuals to use the official language of their choice when they must go before the courts in a divorce matter.
The FAJEF brings together lawyers' associations from across the country. Our mandate is to promote access to justice in French in the predominantly English-speaking provinces and territories. The seven associations of French-speaking lawyers represent approximately 1,700 lawyers, and the number is increasing every year. More importantly, they represent a population of approximately one million Canadians.
FAJEF works with other organizations in the national legal community, including the Canadian Bar Association, which I believe will appear before this committee, and with francophone organizations such as the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada, or FCFA, which supports FAJEF's representations on language rights issues.
To give you some background, in 1998, the Special Joint Committee of the Senate on Child Custody and Access already recommended an amendment to the Divorce Act so that parties to proceedings under the act could choose to have proceedings in either of Canada's official languages.
The committee recommended that the amendments be based on section 530 of the Criminal Code, which gives individuals the possibility of using the official language of their choice in criminal proceedings. The Divorce Act being another federal law, that act was scaled up, which was quite appropriate.
In 2002, the Department of Justice stated in its report, “Environmental Scan: Access to Justice in Both Official Languages”, that the federal Parliament had the right to impose language requirements on the provinces if it decided to entrust them with the administration of a law. However, despite these recommendations, the Divorce Act, which is still in force, still does not recognize the right of Canadians to divorce in the official language of their choice.
This means that in many provinces, Canadians who must face the courts for what is probably the most personal aspect of their lives cannot do so in the official language of their choice, particularly in French. This is already possible in some provinces and territories, namely Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut.
In some provinces, if you know the clerk, if the judge is a friend, if people are able to accept certain documents by turning a blind eye, it is possible to obtain a divorce judgment by consent, but certainly not to have a debate in French before the courts. In British Columbia, and Newfoundland and Labrador, it is absolutely impossible to have anything in French.
We believe that the fact that Bill C-78 does not contain a provision on language rights is a gap. The bill should be amended to explicitly recognize language rights in any proceedings brought under the Divorce Act.
Divorce affects Canadians directly. It is an intimate and difficult matter. When people who divorce have to go to court, it is a very difficult time. It is a procedure that often has significant financial and emotional consequences. For these reasons, the ability to express yourself in court in the official language of your choice is of extreme importance.
In federal law, imposing language rights on the provinces would not be new. As I just mentioned, the Criminal Code already provides, in sections 530 and 530.1, for the obligation to provide judicial services to Canadians in both official languages.
It is also very important to recognize that many Canadians appear in family courts without the assistance of counsel. A lawyer is often able to somewhat mitigate language difficulties, with a command of both languages. However, when people appear in court without a lawyer, they have to deal with a dual problem, in that they cannot express themselves in the precise legal language needed for the debate, or in a language that the court can understand.
The FAJEF will submit a brief with the suggested wording; it looks a lot like the wording in section 530 of the Criminal Code. This recognizes the possibility of using one official language or the other in cases brought under the Divorce Act, not only for the trial, but also for all the steps that go on outside the courtroom.
There must also be a requirement for the judge to understand the language or languages used by the parties, for the witnesses to be able to express themselves in the official language of their choice without consequence, and for the record of the hearing to include all the debates in the official language that each party used.
The provisions should also indicate that courts may provide interpretation services for the parties to cases heard in both languages, and decisions to be rendered in the language or languages that the parties used in court.
Finally, we recommend that it be possible to use the official language of choice for every decision taken to appeal.
The FAJEF strongly recommends this addition, as a language right that clearly meets the federal government’s obligations to promote the use of the official languages, as set out in section 41 of the Official Languages Act.
This is a matter of access to justice. Canadians who cannot express themselves in the official language of their choice before the courts do not have adequate access to justice. This is a situation that must be resolved.
Thank you very much.