That's okay. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
It's a pleasure to welcome Bill C-78 with its many positive reforms. I represent the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario. I've submitted my bio. I will briefly note the items that we strongly support and then discuss issues that we think can be improved. I will refer to a few sections of the B.C. Family Law Act, which I've provided, that we think should be incorporated. I've also attached a sample parenting plan. I can answer questions about that.
We are strongly supportive of the following: the encouragement for co-operative out-of-court dispute resolution options, where appropriate; the requirement to screen for domestic violence, broadly defined, including physical, psychological and emotional abuse; the importance of looking at the impact of domestic violence on children when assessing parenting capacity; the replacement of outdated “custody and access” language with “parenting orders” and the encouragement to create parenting plans; the inclusion of an extensive list of criteria for determining the child's best interests; a clarification of how relocation cases will be approached, although with some changes that we will be recommending; and the implementation of an administrative process to update child and spousal support.
Those are the things we're strongly in favour of. We also have recommendations for clarification or additions. Our focus is how to improve the process of divorce and assist families, especially children, to make this difficult transition in a supportive, timely, less conflicted and less costly manner. This will require greater co-operation between the federal government and provincial partners.
The first thing we're recommending is that the definition of family dispute resolution process should be stated as follows: “means a consensual process outside of court agreed upon by the parties”. That would be the language we'd use. The list of consensual out-of-court processes is incomplete. It should include med-arb, arbitration and parenting coordination. I would ask you to look at appendix A for the B.C. definition. We recommend that family justice services be subsumed under family dispute resolution processes. Having two different categories is confusing.
Second is the duty to screen for domestic violence. We recommend that the duty apply to all professionals assisting separating families. That duty has been in our child welfare legislation for several decades. Separations raise the risk level for family violence—up to lethality—even when this has not previously been a concern. This is an important safeguard. Again, look at the B.C. Family Law Act in appendix B.
The third recommendation is around the duties of lawyers and legal advisers. The definition of “legal adviser” versus “lawyer” should be clarified. Lawyers are required under the new legislation to inform clients about family dispute resolution options. There should be no exemption for lawyers or other professionals on the basis that they're unaware of such services. That may have been the case 40 years ago. Today it's not the case.
If lawyers are unsure about safety, they should refer clients to a trained domestic violence professional to assess the risk and report on what might be appropriate. The lawyer's duty should arise from the time they're retained, not delayed until an action is commenced. There should be specific consequences for lawyers or other professionals who fail to fulfill this duty. In the past, this has been a duty under the Divorce Act. It has not been followed.
The next point concerns unified family courts. Unified family courts should be created in any province that wishes them. The advantages are that they reduce confusion, they're more efficient, they're less costly, and they can address all of the issues in one court. They ensure, where possible, that there's one judge, a family law specialist—I'll underline that—for each family. Ideally, that's for marriage breakdown, domestic violence and child welfare. This ensures that decisions can be monitored for compliance.
In many jurisdictions, assignments are based on the judge's availability, not their expertise. Imagine if one of you had a heart attack and the doctor assigned had expertise as an obstetrician. Each court appearance currently may have a different judge, and with no family expertise. Judges do not have sufficient time to read all of their new files, so adjournments and inconsistent decisions are frequent. However, UFCs cannot improve access to justice without adequate services. These are the services that we think should be there.
These would include funding for mandatory education programs, which are really important. They would include a description of dispute resolution options, safety advice, explanations of what parenting plans are, telling people about financial disclosure and so on, before couples make an application to court. This is already available in several provinces.
The other thing is funding for the screening of domestic violence for all family professionals, including judges. Triage should be available to help people get to the most appropriate dispute resolution process, either within or outside the court's mandate, or to a community service that would address issues such as mental health, addiction and so on, and determine which people should be fast-tracked to court.
This would require co-operation between the federal government and the provinces on funding, appointment of judges and service delivery. Currently, our family law system gets a failing grade from the 50% to 80% of family law litigants who are self-representatives.
Fifth is parenting plans. These are very important tools to help parents achieve what are the key objectives of Bill C-78. To help parents focus on caretaking responsibilities, reducing conflict and creating a practical child-centred road map, before they engage in an adversarial process.
I've attached an example of a short and a longer parenting plan. The longer one just explains the short one. We do not support a presumption of equal parenting, with all due respect to my friend, Gene, because this negates the assessment of parenting capacity. It overlooks issues of domestic violence, mental health, addiction and the encouragement for parents to work out a parenting plan that fits their unique circumstances and addresses their availability, the special needs of their children, the ages of the children and all of those things.
Also, equal time often results in pressure to reduce or eliminate child support and prevent relocation. The literature that he refers to is often quite biased. Much of the literature that supports equal parenting is based on people who have co-operatively decided to do that. I won't go into detail on it, but it also has small sample sizes and other things like that.
Parenting plans need to include the parents' responsibilities for the caretaking of their children and how significant decisions are made—not just what decisions but what process they're going to use and how they're going to handle disputes when they arise. There also needs to be a parenting schedule, which is not just the regular schedule but also includes school breaks, PD days, religious or other special days, and the process for changing a schedule when there are changes such as children getting older, changes in mobility or the presence of disputes.
Regarding views of the child, when trained professionals meet with children to hear their views, answer their questions and address their fears, parenting disputes are often resolved and children are more likely to accept the outcome. However, this is the one dispute I have with Nick Bala. I don't believe that judges are the best people to be interviewing children. Child specialists are more qualified and less costly, and they can meet with children in a supportive setting.
The next thing we are recommending is reinstating family court clinics. We recommend a co-operative funding arrangement between the federal Department of Justice and the provincial ministries of the attorneys general and ministries of health. These agencies should be located outside of the UFCs, as clients benefit from a less formal clinical environment. These clinics can offer triage, mediation, assessments and brief treatment for separating families, as well as child welfare issues. I was the chief psychologist at the family court clinic in Toronto. These are wonderful training grounds for mental health professionals, and they're publicly funded so they're affordable.
Relocation rules have been addressed, but they are too complex. There are too many parties. I think the criteria shouldn't be geographic distance. When a contemplated move will make the existing parenting schedule no longer feasible, there should be a graduated list of dispute resolution processes from informal to more formal. That would encourage people to indicate that they're going to move at the earliest possible time rather than waiting until the last minute.