Thank you.
I must say that I was a little shocked to learn that people in Newfoundland and Labrador and in British Columbia have no right to ask for their divorce proceeding to be heard in French.
As Canadians, we believe that justice and access to justice should be available at the federal level in both official languages, especially when it is something as painful for people to go through and as traumatic as a divorce and the idea of who would parent children. It seems really unfair that there are some Canadians who are not able to do this in their own language, at one of the most painful times in their lives.
This amendment, for which I am hopeful to have support from all parties, is one that will enshrine for Canadians the right of access to divorce in both languages. You can testify in both languages. You can plead in both languages. You can receive translation, if somebody is testifying in the other language. You can also get the judgment in your language of choice, and you have a right to a judge who speaks one or both of the official languages of the parties. This is similar to what we have in the Criminal Code for criminal trials.
There will be another proposed section that says it will go into effect in various provinces on the date when the province is ready. This is a separate amendment, put into effect by cabinet.
I appreciate everyone's forbearance in doing this amendment first. For me as an English-speaking Quebecker, this is incredibly important.
It is also extremely important for French Canadians outside Quebec.
Again, I thank my colleagues for their consideration of this really important amendment. We as a committee are doing something very important for Canadians who speak the minority official language in their province today.
I will turn it over to anyone else who wants to comment.