Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you to all of my colleagues on the justice committee.
It's a privilege to have the opportunity to appear before you to discuss my private member's Bill C-417, which would amend section 649 of the Criminal Code to carve out a narrow exception to the jury secrecy rule so that jurors suffering from mental health issues arising from their jury service can get the help they need.
Before I get into the substance of the bill, which I think all members of the committee are fairly familiar with, let me take the time to thank all members of the committee for your support at second reading. In particular, I would like to acknowledge a former member of our committee, a former vice-chair, Alistair MacGregor. It was Alistair who initiated the study that we as a committee undertook on juror supports, which resulted in a unanimous report with many important recommendations, this bill being one of the key recommendations. Had that study not taken place, this bill would not have been produced, and we would not be here to discuss and consider this bill before a committee.
I want to again convey my appreciation to Mr. MacGregor, as well as to Mr. Rankin, who was my main seconder and stood with me when I introduced the bill. I'd also like to acknowledge Mr. McKinnon, who very early on when I introduced the bill got on board and was a co-seconder. Finally, I'd like to extend my thanks to you, Mr. Chair, for your advocacy and your work to get the government's support for the bill, which we were able to achieve at second reading, and to all members of the committee for your support and engagement on this issue.
The substance of this bill deals with the jury secrecy rule. As you may be aware, the jury secrecy rule—other than in a narrow instance where there's an issue relating to obstruction of justice—prohibits a juror from discussing any of their experiences or any aspect of the jury deliberation process for the rest of their life.
There are many good reasons for the jury secrecy rule, but it's a problem when former jurors are suffering from mental health issues. We know, and we heard, that the jury deliberation process can be one of the most stressful, if not the most stressful, aspect of jury service. To prohibit a juror from speaking with a mental health professional about their experiences, and indeed for it to be a Criminal Code offence to do so, inhibits a juror from getting the help they need.
In terms of the stress that jurors face at the time of a jury deliberation process, I think it's important to cite the evidence of Tina Daenzer, who, almost 25 years ago, sat as a juror in the Paul Bernardo trial. A quarter-century later, she is still suffering from mental health issues due to the horrific evidence she was exposed to during that trial. What Ms. Daenzer stated has already been presented to our committee, but I think it's worth reading into the record again:
After the Bernardo trial ended, I was only sequestered for one evening, and basically I got the question, “What took you so long?” You can't answer that. You can't discuss what the other people in the room would like to do or not like to do...Again, you've seen the evidence and you've decided that the person is guilty, are still sending that person to federal prison for the rest of their life. You shouldn't feel guilty, but somewhere deep down you still do. Talking through those things could be quite helpful.
What Bill C-417 simply does is to carve out a narrow exception to the jury secrecy rule, namely, that former jurors who are suffering from mental health issues arising from their jury service and are seeking mental health support as a result can disclose their experiences to a mental health professional who, due to professional standards, is bound by confidentiality.
In essence, Bill C-417 on the one hand allows jurors to get the help they need by being able to talk about all of their experiences with a mental health professional, while at the same time protecting the integrity of the jury secrecy rule.
As I had mentioned at the outset, there are good reasons for the jury secrecy rule. They include the finality of verdict, protecting the sanctity of the jury deliberation process and ensuring the privacy of jurors. None of those considerations are impacted by Bill C-417 because, again, this would be post-trial in a strictly confidential context.
This is a straightforward bill that I believe will go a long way to helping jurors get the help they need. I will leave it there, but before I do I want to acknowledge Mark Farrant, who very courageously came before our committee along with other jurors. They told their stories and really put into context to give us the full picture of how their lives have been changed forever.
Mr. Farrant has been, of course, a tireless advocate for better supports for jurors. He was supportive of this bill. The bottom line is that former jurors shouldn't have to suffer needlessly for doing nothing more than their civic duty. We owe it to them to be able to remove unnecessary barriers for them to get the help and support they need, so as best they can get on with their lives and become healthy once again.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.