We're all proposing some amendments that clarify the language, and it's interesting that there seems to be a consensus on both sides of this issue that there is a need for some clarification, whichever direction the clarification comes from.
This shifts from the language of “reasonably foreseeable” to the language of “imminent natural death becomes foreseeable”. It doesn't go so far as to propose a specific timeline, but I think it gets more effectively at what a lot of people have said the intent of the reasonably foreseeable provision is.
It ensures we're talking about people who are approaching death but not just in the sense that death is reasonably foreseeable for all of us, but in a sense that death is very imminent.
I think this makes sense. Some may object to it on underlying philosophical grounds, but it certainly provides some of the clarity that if the committee weren't interested in providing in one direction, perhaps they wish to provide on the other side.