Good afternoon. Thank you so much for inviting me to come to present.
It feels today a little bit like I've crawled up from the grit and grime of the front line of the criminal justice system and am now sitting in polite company and not quite sure what fork to use.
On any day in those frontline criminal courts, you are going to encounter a parade of people who suffer from mental health and addiction issues, poverty and racialization. So, great days for me as a lawyer might involve clever word algorithms about charter rights, or evidence law or mandatory minimum sentences. The more common experience, however, is a persistent pounding of institutional failure in the lives of vulnerable people: a homeless client in full psychosis discharged from jail, wearing an orange jumper and holding a bus ticket; a client found naked and unconscious in a park, rejected by a woman's shelter for a history of being behavioural; a client so sickened by his own actions and the prospect of a mandatory minimum sentence that our time together is spent just de-escalating his suicidal ideations; a pregnant client released from jail with nowhere to go, who asks me for a ride to her street daddy's house.
These terrible days are punctuated by truly awful days that define me as a lawyer and a person. Those are the days looking down on a client in a casket; sending someone's jail art to their mother following an overdose death; sitting with a client in jail who is having to make an end-of-life decision for their sick child; or eulogizing a client with their family, remembering their joy and their laughter, but only after they were murdered. They don't teach this stuff in law school: how to get heart punched and still be capable of finding words that sound sensible in polite company. So to see a person at sentencing only for what they did I truly believe is a type of violence. The story is never so simple as just the offence.
The issue is not just whether people's stories will matter in the face of a looming mandatory minimum sentence, because humans always live fully dimensional lives; the issue is whether the sentencing process itself will matter. You see, the way in which stories are told and unfold and are woven together makes the sentencing process meaningful for everyone and the legal system. Don't you see? Legal systems are stories that are shared out in the open so that societies can create, yes, public legal institutions, the rule of law, but more to create meaning from what has happened.
Transitional justice is an area in international law that includes truth commissions like the TRC, the inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls, RCAP—reports and commissions that have offered us truths, national-level stories, to move us forward from systemic racism. The awful things that have happened to children who have died or survived and the life stories and present-day-lived experiences that indigenous clients have shared with me, I remember even though I don't represent them in this forum. I remember pins in tongues, bullying in school and sport, grinding poverty, a lack of clean water, treaty and inherent rights ignored, land defenders arrested, homelessness, under-housing, racist policing, money for social programs diverted into litigation, the whole thing. To say that none of that should matter at sentencing or at any time leaves us with a story about our justice system, which is called “systemic racism”.
This bill endeavours to make improvements to the criminal justice system as a step in the right direction, but a very modest one. A stronger bill would be express UNDRIP compliance and indigenous self-determination. It would wholly implement the recommendations about mandatory minimum sentences that were issued by the TRC and the missing and murdered indigenous women's inquiry.
In closing, it has been the honour of my life to come into relationship, in some modest way, with the stories of the people and the communities I have worked with. I am grateful and humbled for the meaning they have brought to my life. I hope that you will make improvements to this bill to change the story of our justice system, how it treats vulnerable and marginalized peoples and how it shapes our relationship with indigenous peoples and nations.
Thank you.