Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank Mr. Brock for his comment. Perhaps he will allow me to round out my explanation on the issue of exceptional circumstances. I asked myself the same question, because I too like to see legislation that is clear and not confusing. I spoke with other legal experts before proposing the amendment as worded.
The problem is that it is virtually impossible to predict all the exceptional circumstances that may occur. By definition, if circumstances are exceptional, it's because they are uncommon and can't be defined in advance.
However, we still want to trust the courts. I'm sure Mr. Brock would agree with me that judges are usually able to make wise and informed decisions, and determine what is exceptional and what is not.
Again, I trust the courts on this issue, and I also trust our appellate courts to overturn and amend decisions that would be frankly unsound on the issue of waiver.
Defining too much in advance under what circumstances a waiver would be permitted would lead us down a blind alley, because we are absolutely unable to imagine all the circumstances that might arise. Other countries have already adopted the same wording to define what is meant by “exceptional circumstances”. We would have to go back to Professor Julie Desrosiers's testimony on this, but I think she mentioned New Zealand or Australia, I'm not sure. I know that two or three countries have adopted the same wording and that it works quite well.
I think we can let the court decide, as long as the judge has to explain what an exceptional circumstance is. If the judge doesn't justify it, then obviously their judgment will be appealed. The judge cannot waive the mandatory minimum sentence without first announcing the presence of exceptional circumstances. The judge will have to explain why the circumstances are exceptional. If the judge is mistaken, the Court of Appeal can correct the decision.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.