For many sex workers, saying that sex workers do not have the brains to make decisions about their life is also violence. It is taking away their agency and not respecting what they want in their lives. For example, in Toronto, when the City of Toronto wanted to shut down massage parlours, 200 workers went to city hall to say that this was their work and they were not trafficking victims. They are not brainwashed, but unfortunately, because they're racialized and are sex workers, their voices are not being heard.
It is the same with this committee. We have seen so many sex workers come to you and directly tell you how this law is harmful and they don't want this law, but we still do not listen and we keep thinking this will be good for them. The assumption that sex workers are ignorant, naive, have no brains to make decisions about their lives, don't know what they're doing or are being lured is something that really violates their rights.
In addition to working with Asian and migrant sex workers in Canada, I also have long-term experience working with youth sex workers. The approach is also affecting how sex workers.... No matter what age, criminalization is not the solution, so when we talk about how some people may not have agency, we also need to question ourselves and ask whether we impose a lot of assumptions on other people rather than really listening to the community.