Thank you for your question.
Yes, there are concerns regarding section 715.241.
We have to understand that videoconferencing has always been presented as one option among others in the kind of toolbox for holding hearings in criminal cases, if the parties consent and the judge determines that it is appropriate. A judge who denies it must even offer a justification.
With the bill, we are moving toward a situation in which videoconferencing can be imposed. For accused persons who are in custody, that may be a concern. I touched on that subject earlier in answer to a previous question.
Issues may arise, for example, relating to the ability of defence counsel to do an effective job, to advise their client and communicate with them, if they are not present.
If, for example, the lawyer is in the courtroom or their own office, the judge is in a room, and the accused is appearing by videoconference from their place of detention, there may be communication problems. There is also a concern relating to the lawyer's professional obligations to advise their client effectively.
That can ultimately have repercussions on the right to make full answer and defence. We are calling for caution. We are comfortable with the principle of videoconferencing, provided it is voluntary.