We have an obligation to assist in the prosecution of an offender, which would include a bail hearing. We would work with the Crown attorney on making any met recommendations as they relate to conditions of release and/or are specific to secondary grounds to be considered upon release.
Once an offender is released, the police have the ability to check on compliance for bail conditions. These aren't always necessarily evident to the police. I'm visiting Ottawa today. If I were charged and released on bail, and I went back to Toronto, where I reside, the Toronto Police would have no idea that I'm residing in their community. There are no means by which to identify me, until they come into contact with me, as an offender residing in their community. There are initiatives on the way to ensure that information is shared.
One thing that is important to realize is that there is only one person responsible for abiding by conditions when on bail. That is the offender, who has entered into an undertaking with a justice.
There may be a second person, who is the surety. They have taken responsibility for their adherence to those conditions. Those sureties also need to be held accountable when they do not fulfill their obligations. It is extremely rare that any form of deposit is ever forfeited. There are professional sureties out there that are putting up monies without deposits for numerous offenders and not fulfilling their obligations. They are called “professional sureties” in the police world.