Yes. We've seen this in bail cases like Antic; but we've also seen it in cases from the Ontario Court of Appeal, in R v. Morris, and the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, in R v. Anderson. There are systemic issues with respect to overcriminalizing and overincarcerating racialized individuals, especially indigenous individuals. When we look at firearms specifically, we see it's easy to come at it from a downtown urban setting, although in many of those urban settings we've actually seen some decrease in gun offences over the last little while.
As I said, statistics are dangerous, and you have to be careful of small sample sizes.
I just got back from a circuit in the Northwest Territories, where the use of firearms, the culture of firearms and the types of people who have firearms are very different than down south.
If you have one-size-fits-all rules, it can lead to injustice for some people who don't and haven't traditionally fit into what we imagine the criminal justice system should be.