Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I do apologize if I have to turn off the video because of our bandwidth problems here, but we'll try it.
First of all, I want to thank Peers, an organization based in my riding, for all the work they do and particularly for bringing directly the voices of sex workers to the committee today. I think it was very important testimony and I appreciate that they've done that.
I think they left out one of their functions and I can testify to that. That's education of elected officials about sex work in our community. I first began to work with Peers more than a decade ago when I was a city councillor. They spend a lot of their time trying to make sure people understand the reality of sex work.
I thank all the witnesses today for bringing that important perspective to the table. I also thank Mr. Moore for asking so many questions of Peers.
Let me turn back again to Ms. Clamen and the question she was dealing with from Monsieur Fortin about the number of witnesses who come forward saying it's possible somehow to fix PCEPA.
You've just been very clear on that. I think we've also heard from sex workers that some pieces of PCEPA are particularly harmful and particularly dangerous. I wonder whether you could comment on that.