We see that sex workers who help other people to do advertising or help family members to communicate are already being charged under the law related to sex work. With this, not only will they be charged under the sex worker law, but they will also be charged under the trafficking law. They are facing 14 years in prison. This law covers not only sex workers. For any kind of racialized people, we see how racial profiling is happening now. When prosecutors and police have so much power, they can interpret this law in whatever way. Not only people who work in the sex industry but even people in intimate partner relationships or in any kind of working relationship may also be charged as traffickers. We see that racialized people are being targeted, and we see police already targeting sex work. This will become a powerful tool for the police to harass the sex worker and charge the sex worker, even though no one wants them to be in their life and no trafficking or exploitation is going on. This actually makes them more vulnerable, because their workplace is being raided and the place is being shut down.
Thank you.