Thank you very much.
I want to thank you, Professor Carnevale and Dr. Montes, for coming tonight. Thank you for answering our questions and providing your testimony. I know it's late for you. It's particularly late for Dr. Montes, who's in Newfoundland. It must be about 11 o'clock there now.
Again, we very much appreciate your taking the time and giving us your candid commentary. Thank you.
With that, panel three is completed.
Colleagues, if you could hang around, we have to talk about what's left between now and June 23. I'll do this very quickly. We're in a situation where, in all likelihood, we will have two more meetings. One will be next Monday and the other the following Monday, which is June 20. It doesn't look like we're going to get a Thursday night meeting, because the BOIE wants to meet the moment, for both of those.
As you know, on June 13 we're going to look at the draft of the interim report on mental disorders that is currently being put together, which we have to table by June 23. We'll have the whole three hours to do that. The following Monday, we've reserved two hours, hopefully to finalize it, and then we'll have a subcommittee meeting that will look at what's ahead of us, only in the broadest terms. There have been a lot of questions asked about where we go from here after we rise for the summer.
That's just to let you know the schedule. Now here's the complicated part.
You're going to get the interim draft report this Friday, the one that we have to table by June 23. It will be provided this Friday. It will be considered on Monday. That can be a very involved process, as we know. It's a very tight turnaround time, so what we're asking you to do is to look at that report and to essentially be ready to discuss it in specific terms on Monday night. That means a little bit of weekend homework. This is so that we are in a situation where we're trying to ensure that we're going to be ready to finalize the report at the very latest on June 20.
It's a very tight turnaround time. If there are huge revisions to the report next Monday, that will also mean that we'll still have quite a ways to go on June 20, when we look at the final draft, or hopefully the final draft.
Any changes to that second version, the version that will come after June 13, will have to be minimal, or the work involved to present the report in the House cannot be completed prior to June 23.
We're hoping that, if there's wording you want to add or change, you'll come with that specific wording and, if possible, provide your commentaries to the clerk by noon on Monday. That way there's also a chance to translate it, in some cases. It may or may not be ready by Monday night, but at least the analysts will have an idea of what you're really going for.
All of that is to say that you're going to get the report on Friday, and we're hoping that you'll provide commentary on Monday. Our strategy is to try to make sure that we get most of it done Monday night. That way, we can just do the cleanup the following Monday, because we have only two meetings left.