Thank you, and good evening from Nova Scotia.
My name is Gord Gubitz, and I am very grateful to be able to speak to you today. I'm a professor of medicine and neurology at Dalhousie University. I became a MAID assessor and provider for both track one and track two patients after legislation was passed.
I'm also a board member for the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers, and I sit on their education committee. I was the chair of the national group from CAMAP that developed the MAID curriculum you've heard about, which was discussed earlier. Hopefully we'll have a chance to discuss it in the question period.
I'm also the clinical lead for MAID in Nova Scotia. That involves working on a weekly basis with our administration in collaboration with the Department of Health to oversee MAID in our province.
I'm pleased to speak to you this evening on behalf of Nova Scotia as an example of jurisdictions across the country to help you understand why Nova Scotia stands ready to move forward with caring for people who request MAID for MD-SUMC, starting in March 2024.
Each province and each territory will deal with this differently. In Nova Scotia, we have one central team that is managed and overseen by a very strong administrative staff with skilled nurse navigators who triage and assess patients and provide detailed assessments and referrals. We also have full-time nurse practitioners who work geographically to help provide MAID. In the wake of Bill C-7 and in anticipation of the complexities of track two, we have recruited additional members to our team, including social workers, etc.
Our team is involved with regular education with learners across the province. Importantly, our team meets on a regular basis every week on Friday morning to review “challenging cases”, as we call them. Many of these people have complicated medical problems and are often track two patients, many with underlying mental health issues.
With respect to MD-SUMC, we recognized that we would need to start to do this work some time ago, and have been working for over 18 months to ensure that Nova Scotia is ready. We created a provincial working group to develop policies and processes that would serve the MD-SUMC population. It was beneficial to have all of the national work that was done to help guide us.
Our plan was to be ready for the implementation by March 2023. To do this, we hired additional staff with mental health expertise. Thus, one of each of our nurse navigators, nurse practitioners and social workers has a clinical background in mental health. We're in the process of exploring psychology consultancy, and we are recruiting an MD-SUMC clinical lead in psychiatry. This person will hold a position similar to mine but with a focus on mental health. The two of us will work collaboratively with our MAID team, as our skill sets are similar and complementary.
Our working group was chaired by two psychiatrists, one of whom also does complex MAID assessments where capacity is an issue. The working group included members of our core MAID team, hospital and community-based psychiatrists, a specialist in addictions medicine, a bioethicist, a psychiatry resident and representation from our government. As the process moved forward, we included one of our social workers and a nurse navigator with mental health experience.
The working group was tasked with completing a detailed scoping review of the various topics relevant to MAID and MD-SUMC. It developed detailed and practically useful background material and guidance documents that will support clinicians in Nova Scotia in their day-to-day work. We also provided overall governmental recommendations.
To this point, we have an ethical framework that has been based on a systematic review of the emerging area of palliative psychiatry. We have detailed documentation and training materials for the required assessments, including a comprehensive process that focuses on determining capacity, voluntariness, irremediability and structural vulnerability, and understanding suicidality versus a reasoned wish to die. We also have clinical pathways, including a modified intake process that will be completed by the nurse navigator, specifically built for MD-SUMC.
We've followed along with a specific recommendation. One of the two MAID assessors in Nova Scotia must be either a psychiatrist or an addictions specialist, depending on the case.
We are engaged in a prospective review similar to our weekly complex case discussions. Thus, our track two discussions every Friday morning will increasingly begin to involve people with mental health as a sole underlying condition. We will also be undergoing retrospective case audits for each person who completes the process of MAID using a standardized process. We've developed post-intervention supports for clinicians, families and friends.
In conjunction with CAMAP, we are developing training programs, including the modules that have been described previously, and we're looking at compensation models. We have shared all of our documents with the other jurisdictions across the country, as Ms. Campbell outlined in the presentation that she gave. We have engaged in some really interesting provincial and territorial discussions.
Over the coming months—