I would say that before the model practice standards were produced, there was a lot of discussion and guidance regionally to help understand how the legislation itself might be applied in a clinical situation. As Dr. Downie mentioned earlier tonight, there's legislation that's in law and then there's clinical practice, so we have to find some understanding of whether certain situation criteria have been met under the law, and that's a clinical decision.
I would say that the model practice standard for MAID has been a significant help for those of us who were doing this work in fleshing out some of the nuances about some of the wording that's in the legislation. One of the examples might be “irremediable”, which Mr. Cooper mentioned earlier, or “incurable” and what exactly that means and what goes into satisfying that criterion. That kind of nuanced fleshing out of the meaning has been extremely helpful to clinicians, and that's why I expect that most regulatory bodies have decided to adopt those standards. Those are also being taught in the curriculum.