It's good to see you again, Mr. MacGregor.
I only add that we go back to this being about the patient and about the individual. It's a clinical assessment by a medical professional as to competence. Medical professionals make these kinds of assessments every day in their practices. They're well versed and well trained in assessing competence, and if there is any doubt, then obviously they don't certify the compliance with the strict criteria that are set forth in legislation.
The legislation, as originally in Bill C-14 and then as modified by Bill C-7, has very strict criteria, very strict safeguards. I think there was significant improvement in Bill C-7, because some of the safeguards that we thought about or that Parliament put in place back when we began this journey turned out to be burdens or barriers rather than safeguards, so they were properly modified last year.
I think that as we learn more about the evolution of MAID in Canada, we have lots of experience here in Canada and, as I said in my remarks, there is simply no evidence of abuse, of coercion, and it is, as I said, about the individual's decision. It's not about what other people might think that decision ought to be.