We travelled a year or more ago out to Petawawa and to Edmonton. Some of the comments we heard from the families of the soldiers were quite remarkable. Some of the things you would just absolutely take for granted become big issues.
For example, perhaps the spouse is at home and the fridge goes on the fritz and she or he is talking to the soldier in the field. It's a big issue at home, and they don't want to bother the soldier over there, and the soldier starts to feel they're being left out, and it just snowballs.
In Petawawa a student, a young child, was called to the principal's office on a school matter. By the time the child got to the office they were frantic, because they thought it was going to be about the parent who was away. All these things--we don't think about them on a regular basis, but they're very important.
Thank you very much. Keep up the good work, and thank you.
Oh, I'm sorry; Mr. Cannis did have a quick question.