Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will answer in French.
First of all, I want to tell my friend Laurie Hawn that I have never feasted on seagulls and that I do not intend to do so in a near future.
It's a bit stringy.
I want to thank our witnesses for being here today. In a way, you are the guardians or the watchdogs—in the positive sense of the word—of our Canadian Forces. What the ombudsman does about the French language issue is interesting, just as what he does for reservists.
I would like to make a few comments.
Mr. Price, you have explained clearly your power of making recommendations. Out of 19 cases of post-traumatic stress syndrome, 14 were rejected, one was accepted and four are under study. I am a bit surprised by those figures. It seems that many cases are not justified.
You have also stated that there may be other cases. Some soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress have testified. Were I one of them, I would feel that my testimony has fallen on deaf ears. What can you tell me about this?