Good question.
I'll just go back to your first point on the state of our current fleets. The Cormorants are improving. Last year, there was an initiative by government to procure a fairly substantial amount of spares from the U.S., as they had shut down one of their fleets, the EH-101-based platform, which had great commonality with the Cormorants. So we accrued a fair amount of spares. We're starting to see the effect of those new spares in the system. As they get introduced, it has helped bring up the availability of aircraft. It hasn't come up dramatically yet. Last year when we talked, I believe we had about 7 of 14 platforms available for missions. Right now we're at 18. If I look at today's, we expect that level to come up much higher as those spares are felt through the system. I'm reasonably optimistic that we will see the Cormorant's availability start coming up beyond what it's been for the last couple of years, given some of the technical issues we've had with the platform. It's a very good platform. It's world-leading. We've had some technical issues to be resolved and some maintenance challenges, and we're working hard on those with our partners to bring that fleet up to where it should be from a performance perspective. When it's out doing the job, it's doing fantastic work for us.
As for the rest of our fleet, the fixed-wing fleet, as we replace our old legacy Hercs with the Js, we're husbanding the remaining legacy Hercs and putting the newer ones into the SAR business. So we're seeing certainly an improvement, because we're putting the younger airframes in that role right now. So I expect to see that maintenance bill start to be reduced a bit as we retire the really old ones. Our Buffalo fleets are doing okay. Clearly we're still looking at the sparing and maintenance aspects of the Buffalo to keep it viable until such time as we get to a replacement fleet through fixed-wing search and rescue. But they're maintaining their capabilities, and they're both doing missions. Out of six airplanes, typically three to four are available on any given day for mission sets. So we're doing okay. We're hanging in there.