Thanks. I'll just add to what Marie said. I share her assessment of the effectiveness of the DART.
Your question was whether it is better to have a unit there all the time ready to go or to do it the way we're doing it. I think successive operations have shown that by doing it the way we're doing it we can respond quickly. The fact is, we need to have everybody available for certain contingencies all the time. The key is to make sure we have folks on maximum readiness who can be brought to a crisis very quickly if they're needed, and we have been able to do that successfully.
As Marie also said, an important part of the DART process is this assessment team that goes out. Often what we find from the assessment teams, which are usually led by Foreign Affairs, is that it will be, “You know what? There are actually quicker commercial means available. There's actually food available in the country. We don't need you to fly stuff from Canada or from somewhere else.” That assessment part of it, before you actually deploy the pointed end of the DART, has been proven to be a very good methodology of responding quickly, effectively, and appropriately to crises.
With regard to equipment—and again, here I will defer to my military colleagues—I would simply say that since we've had the C-17s there's no question that our ability to get strategic airlift, to move stuff out quickly, to be places on the other side of the world, has vastly, vastly improved. That is a really important new instrument in our ability to respond quickly and effectively.