Thank you, Chair, and thank you, Colonel Gibson.
I know you were here for pretty well the entire process. Therefore, there's no necessity to rehash what others have said.
My notes from Colonel Drapeau say that proposed section 18.53 removes any pretense of independence from chain of command. I'm sure you've heard him say that. Mr. Tinsley said that it authorizes VCDS interference, that it's against the charter, and that it's against the Canadian police norms. It's against international law and international norms. I take it that you disagree with those points.
The practice since 1992 has been that there be no interference from the VCDS, CDS, or anybody in the chain of command with police investigations. The justices who reviewed the military justice system said that it should be codified. It's probably a good idea, but the codification that you put in place doesn't say that the VCDS may under no circumstances interfere with an investigation.
If it was working from 1992 to 2011 or 2012, why mess with it?