We obviously collect statistics as we go through. Depending on which diversification we're talking about will depend on the statistics, but the key ones that we've been collecting for a number of years include looking at our stats for female representation and for black, Asian and minority ethnics. As of October 2018, we had 10.5% females and 7.6% black, Asian and minority ethnics within the U.K. regular forces. Those numbers went up a little more for females, but went down a bit for minorities in the reserves. That was the representation within the armed forces.
For our recruitment, our figures for BAME, again from October last year...6.5% of the total intake were for minority ethnics, against a 10% target by 2020. So we're still, one could probably say, woefully short at the moment. Recruitment of female personnel was 12.4%, against a target of 15% by 2020. We still have quite a long way to go.
In terms of representation in the rank structure, we have just promoted our first female three star officer. I know you've had a three star officer for quite a while. That filters down as you go further down the rank structure, because I think one of the other demonstrable things you can do is to have senior female or ethnic minority people in high positions.