There are a number of different measures and mechanisms we can take. The framework.... Again, I have to tread very carefully here. I am speaking as an individual, and I'll caveat my statements.
It would behoove Parliament to consider a federated model to adopt a framework not just for the Department of Defence but for all critical infrastructure providers uniformly across this country, whether it's transport automation, waste-water management, or the financial service sectors. There are precedents here: in Australia, Italy, and other jurisdictions. I know the United Kingdom and Germany looked at this.
My guidance would be to take the core elements that we've seen out there, like NIST and the Department of Energy's C2M2, with the mil-spec, and incorporate two additional elements. One would be security by design; for every item and mechanism we are putting into place, fundamentally incorporate that into the actual development as part of our infrastructure build-out and our measures build-out. The second one, respecting the fact that we live in a democratic society, would be privacy by design. I think of Ann Cavoukian here. We should be espousing that with leaps and bounds. This wouldn't be specific just to the energy sector. It would be specific to all our sectors.
We need to look at this holistically. We need to work with our provincial partners inter-jurisdictionally, both here in North America and abroad, to respond collectively as a sector. Collectively, we are stronger. Individually, we are weak. We need to think federally, and we need to think beyond our borders. We need to engage with our partners abroad, with NATO and our counterparts in Ukraine, to basically come up with a mechanism such that we can speak the same language, respond in the same time and fashion, and have the same types of resources and training, so that if we need to deploy to a certain theatre of operations, we have the resources available, both in industry and in defence, to actually respond.
I won't speak about quantum computing right now, because I don't want to terrify anybody.