I'll make one amendment.
I would like us to remove the word “summons” from the second part. We can keep the word “summons” for Mr. Trotter, but where it says, “The committee issue a summons to the following witnesses to testify”, I would say we would “invite”.
I know that Ms. Astravas was invited. I would say that we put an invitation in written form to Ms. Astravas and that we not include the former clerk of the Privy Council, Michael Wernick, for health reasons. I think we would be able to get the answers we need from having the minister and inviting the other list you have here. I want to make sure we are very cautious about summoning.
As I said, in the history of Parliament, there have been a handful, and usually it's after the invitation was extended five or six times. In the ethics committee, when it was the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica issue, there was a local Cambridge Analytica company. We sent five letters, if I'm not mistaken, and they sent letters back with reasons. We debated those reasons in camera. We went back and issued new invitations. Then we sent a letter saying that if we invite you, we will then....
I think this is very important to get on the record, that the process for summoning someone is a very serious process in this Parliament.
I'll have another amendment after, about additional witnesses, but the first amendment I have is to delete the word “summons” and say “the committee invites the following to testify”, and that we drop “Michael Wernick” and keep just “Zita Astravas”.
In fact, that could even be in the lower part. I'm seeing that it says, “the committee invite the following witnesses”. I would take that whole part out and add “Zita Astravas” to the second part, so that ultimately what we're doing is inviting. We could say “invite in writing”. I think the next escalation, in this case, is to send a written invitation and ask for a response. It would not include Michael Wernick. If the committee wishes to keep the word “summons” for Mr. Trotter, I would then agree with that.
Madam Chair, I'll have another amendment after that.