My gosh, it's like my birthday.
As you may know, my NDP colleague, MP Blaney, has initiated a study at the veterans committee. It's the first that has ever happened on the experience of women veterans, and I know it has certainly meant a lot to those women. I certainly hope we don't allow for what often happens, that siloing of information, in terms of when the Department of National Defence can look at those recommendations and really act upon them.
The veterans committee heard from Stephanie Hayward. She's a veteran. She suffered severe complications because of the sexual assault she experienced while in the military. She has had to fight for over a decade to get access to benefits and coverage for her treatment of injuries and has faced major barriers in accessing the evidence she needs, which was from her medical files. Those medical files were sealed in an area of her basic training centre, and they were never attached to her VAC documentation.
Of course, Stephanie is not the first incident I have heard of where sexual misconduct trauma survivors have had to fight for access to their own medical files from the department in order to prove their claims for trauma, which they need for Veterans Affairs Canada.
Can you explain why you don't provide all CAF members with a copy of their medical and personnel files upon their release and why they wouldn't be attached to their Veterans Affairs files?