Thank you.
This is just a comment. We've had some talk in this round on Bill C-58, which this government brought in 2017, I think it was. The then commissioner described that law as a step backward, saying, “Rather than advancing access to information rights, Bill C-58 would instead result in a regression of existing rights.” She also said:
The government promised the bill would ensure the Act applies to the Prime Minister's and Ministers' Offices appropriately. It does not.
The government promised the bill would apply appropriately to administrative institutions that support Parliament and the courts. It does not.
The government promised the bill would empower the Information Commissioner to order the release of government information. It does not.
Those are the comments of the then commissioner, that Bill C-58 was actually a step backward.
On that third point about order-making power, the government you serve is presently refusing to comply with an order of the Information Commissioner and is taking the Information Commissioner to court. What is the rationale for that? How does that address openness and transparency?