Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my colleagues as well as the members of the House staff a happy and healthy New Year.
Like many Quebeckers and Canadians, I was quite surprised to learn that there had been a meeting of representatives from the petroleum industry, Natural Resources Canada, the American Department of Energy, the Department of Energy of Alberta, as well as observers from the Mexican Energy Secretariat, on January 24 and 25, 2006, in Houston, in order to discuss the development of the Alberta oil sands.
I was also surprised to read that the governments, in particular that of Canada, were even suggesting simplifying the project approval process, and discussing increasing the production of oil sands fivefold. After having spent three months studying this matter with you, I find it strange that this document was not tabled and that this information was not conveyed to us before the broadcasting of the CBC/Radio-Canada documentary.
I wonder how it came to pass that the Minister of Natural Resources or the deputy ministers omitted sending this important information to the parliamentarians around this table, who worked for three months on the oil sands file in a serious and rigorous manner.
Does the government really want to develop the oil sands on this scale? I find it somewhat inconceivable that the Conservative government is considering, or seems to be accepting, having production go from one million to five million barrels of oil per day in order to satisfy American energy needs, without having even first set greenhouse gas reduction targets for Canada.
I listened to all of the witnesses who came before the committee last fall. Together we noted the environmental and social challenges related to the accelerated development of the oil sands. If we were to question various witnesses whose names appear in the motion, they could enlighten us on certain points and describe the circumstances which led to the preparation of this report.
My colleagues around the table probably want to know what is going on as much as I do, and to finalize this matter. The information we would be given could even be integrated into the report. It would benefit everyone. It would be unfortunate for us to conclude our report and our study of the oil sands without having taken the trouble to obtain information from the people listed in the motion, and a description of the situation. I cannot pretend that I was very happy to learn about this through you and through the media. I imagine that when he came here, Deputy Minister Brown already had that information. I don't know if he knowingly omitted to tell us, or whether this was an oversight on his part.
If my colleagues around the table are in agreement, we could settle this matter quite quickly and convene witnesses, as stipulated in the motion.
I don't know if there are any questions on this, Mr. Chairman.