Thank you very much for the opportunity to present our views to this committee on the key issues related to mining.
We have submitted a brief that I believe is in your documents.
Mining Watch Canada is a coalition of 21 different organizations--aboriginal, environmental, development, and social justice groups, including churches and some labour unions. We work to support communities affected by mining, to do research about issues pertaining to mining, the environment, and health, and to advocate for responsible mining practices. Our work deals with mining in Canada and with Canadian mining companies that operate internationally.
I need to make it clear from the beginning that we are not opposed to mining. What we are interested in is seeing some proper respect for the huge ecological, social, and cultural costs that mining entails and in making sure that mining is done in a responsible fashion.
We're keenly aware that NRCan sees its role as an advocate and supporter of the mining industry in Canada and the Canadian industry that operates abroad. The Canadian mining industry includes suppliers of services and equipment.
NRCan includes CANMET, the Geological Survey, and an economics division, all of which provide research that is driven by the needs of the industry. They see the mining industry as their primary client. We've often said that it would be a lot better if Natural Resources Canada saw its clients as the public as well as industry, because it would mean a broader perspective on matters.
What I will address with you is what we see as being the key issues at this time. It's in contrast to some of the presentations by my colleagues, although I don't disagree with anything they're saying.
From our point of view, ensuring that the Constitution is respected and that aboriginal rights are protected with regard to mineral development and access by mining interests to aboriginal territories is of primary importance.
There are increasing conflicts between aboriginal governments and communities and mining companies over the use of aboriginal lands all over Canada and internationally. In Canada, court decisions such as Mikisew, Musqueam, and Haida and Taku make it clear that aboriginal peoples must be consulted and accommodated before any third party interest is created on lands of their traditional use and interest. Mineral claim-staking is the moment at which that third party interest is created. It's now squarely on the table of the Ontario government, because the case over Platinex has just been filed in court in Thunder Bay.
We need to prevent the depletion of our mineral resources through staged mineral extraction. Unfortunately, that isn't how mineral extraction gets planned. We need to be concerned about the depletion of mineral resources in Canada and in other parts of the world and about the protection of natural capital and the services provided to us by nature in the lands where those mineral deposits are found.
High commodity prices are resulting in irresponsible pillaging of mineral resources, with no regard to the needs of future generations. Many of these mines will last only 10 to 15 years. They are taking resources that have been there for thousands of years, and they won't be there for my great-grandchildren or yours.
Staging mines that come on stream will ensure resources for future generations, the long-term survival of those mining communities that have grown up around mines and depend on them, adequate supplies of labour and equipment for developing mines, and balanced economic development.
When you have a commodity boom, communities like Attawapiskat are rushed to development when it's clear, even from the proponents' documents, that it will be five to ten years before they are ready to take the contracts or get the jobs from that mine.
Shift taxes and subsidies away from prospecting for new ore bodies and towards research and development of recycling and conservation. If we properly respect the ecological, cultural, and social costs of mineral production, we will reuse, recycle, and conserve mineral products as long as we can.
Investment in product stewardship will also ensure long-term jobs in mining communities, use a lot less energy and water, and provide a greater return to governments. The latest report from the OECD supports this tax shift. There is one small part of Natural Resources Canada that investigates recycling. It's vastly underfunded and much too small.
At present, workers in smelters have a number of concerns about health and safety hazards associated with recycling--beryllium poisoning and other things like that--because there's not enough knowledge, enforcement, or control.
If we are to look at seriously recycling and conserving these precious minerals, we need to look at not renewing focused flow-through shares, providing a recycling innovation program through Industry Canada, providing more resources to the NRCan recycling program and providing incentives to economic development opportunities in recycling to mining-dependent communities.
Ensure that Canadians benefit from Canadian mineral resources and get a return on the investment they make in subsidies to the industry. In Canada, our four biggest diamond projects, Ekati, Diavik, Snap Lake and Victor, are all owned by companies that are controlled outside of Canada. Companies like Glamis and Ivanhoe have no directors in Canada and no real office here but are considered Canadian for tax purposes. Our taxes on mining companies are lower than those in the United States, and in 1997, the last year for which data that disaggregates these figures was actually available, the federal government only received less than $251 million in mining taxes.
On controlling Canadian mining companies operating abroad through legislation at home, some of you will have heard about this and it's been raised with me by some of the members of this committee. Canadian mining companies operating in the third world are often predatory in terms of local economies, resource rents, indigenous and traditional rights, and the environment. We don't have a good reputation abroad. There are mines of note where this is a particular problem: Barrick Gold in Tanzania, Glamis and Inco in Guatemala, TVI in the Philippines, Begoso and IAMGold in Ghana, Gabriel Resources in Romania, Inco in New Caledonia, Ivanhoe in Burma, First Quantum and others in the Congo.
NRCan has been opposing the regulation of the behaviour of Canadian mining companies operating abroad and, with the mines ministry in South Africa, is supporting a global mining activity, which Gary referred to, that brings together mines ministries of governments around the world to promote legislation and policy that will enable Canadian mining companies to expand in those countries. That doesn't mean that it's necessarily good for the economy or the regulatory framework in the countries where those companies are operating.
Provide adequate environmental and human rights controls on mine financing institutions, such as Export Development Canada and the World Bank, and on mining investment. EDC and the World Bank enable some of the most egregious mining projects to take place, and the screens are not adequate. This has been brought to the attention of members of Parliament over a number of years now, and the documents are there.
Clean up abandoned mines and prevent their occurrence with adequate mine reclamation and closure policies, including polluter pays and full reclamation bonding on mines in Canada and abroad. Mining Watch, along with the Mining Association of Canada, PDAC, industry, and governments have been part of the National Orphaned and Abandoned Mines Initiative since its inception.
A few years ago, $3.5 billion was allocated by the federal government to clean up federal contaminated sites, but this program effectively left the polluters, who had made the profits from these sites, off the hook, although recent court decisions indicate that historic polluters would be forced to pay if they were taken to court.
At key federal abandoned mines like Port Radium, Giant, Faro, Colomac, Conn, Ketza, Mt. Nansen, the taxpayer is paying for the cleanup. There is no policy or program for the cleanup of sites of shared jurisdiction, such as Lorado at Uranium City, Brittannia, or Devco Mines in Nova Scotia, or for sites on lands of aboriginal use and interest. This is actually a key point. There is no policy or program for this, and it should be established.
The National Orphaned and Abandoned Mines Initiative secretariat is housed at NRCan, but it should be staffed to a level that makes it work-effective. Right now, it's funded year to year by mines ministers.
Ensure that all mines receive a full environmental assessment. With devolution in the north and the harmonization agreements, the role of CEAA in properly evaluating mining projects has been greatly diminished. Most mines now go through environmental assessment with no participant funding.
In the past few years we've seen enormous projects, like the Victor Diamond Mine, to be found to have “no significant environmental effects”. Red Chris has only received a screening, although it's on the list, and mines of that size are supposed to receive a full environmental assessment and comprehensive study. The Prairie Creek Mine is being permitted through a series of environmental assessments for roads, drill holes and ramps, with no opportunities to review the entire project.
Other projects are approved for mitigation measures that may or may not be included in the permits and are rarely followed up. This is particularly true of Fisheries' letters of authorization, which are often based on inadequate science or ignore the science that is there. There's a damning study that's just been done by Steve Samis for DFO about environmental assessment and fisheries authorizations of diamond mines in the north. DFO itself admits that it has no idea of the success of its habitat compensation measures over the long term. In addition, there's a demonstrated lack of commitment to public participation in environmental assessment.
We need to ensure that the impact of uranium mines and their closure are properly evaluated. Uranium is a dangerous substance. It leaves behind radioactive materials that need to be monitored in perpetuity. It can cause problems thousands of years down the road. But there's nowhere that the lack of adequate environmental assessment is more obvious than with uranium mines.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, which reports to the Minister of Natural Resources, has been systematically avoiding full environmental assessment of its projects. No environmental assessment was undertaken to study the impact of breaching the dike at Wollaston Lake. The Cogema McLean Lake JEB uranium tailings pit in northern Saskatchewan was approved without a full EA. Cluff Lake was decommissioned without proper public participation in the comprehensive study. Even the community role in monitoring closed sites has been undercut with the closure of the Elliot Lake Field Research Station this year.
We need to insist on the public right to know about the dangers from mine wastes. Mining’s releases of CEPA toxins to tailings, dumps, and waste rock have not been included in the National Pollutant Release Inventory. With the end of the mining exemption in February 2006, mines should be reporting this year, although we understand there is a strong lobby to avoid this. Even when companies do report, we will still not have information about what has accumulated in these tailings ponds and waste dumps through history. Just to give you an idea of the size of some of them, Kidd Creek has 64 square miles of tailings.
The last point is just to stop the promotion and use of chrysotile asbestos in Canada and Canada’s opposition to including it in the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent. NRCan has been the key lobby for the asbestos industry and provides over $250,000 a year to their operations. It also promotes a federal directive promoting the use of non-friable asbestos by the Department of Public Works. Chrysotile is a known carcinogen. What is required is a just transition and community economic development programs for workers in asbestos mining areas of Quebec.
That concludes what we consider to be the significant issues. I'm sorry, I went a little over.