Thank you.
Good afternoon. My name is Elizabeth McDonald and I'm the executive director of the Canadian Solar Industries Association, or CanSIA, as we call ourselves. I'm accompanied today by Wes Johnston, CanSIA's director of policy and research. This is my first opportunity to appear before this committee, so I really appreciate the invitation.
For many of you, CanSIA and I are the new kids on the block. Solar energy is not a new concept; however, the technology has evolved considerably since the solar mini-boom of the mid-1980s. We've also evolved a lot since then as an industry. So you don't have to ask me this question: Canada does have excellent solar resources, better than Germany, the global poster child for an integrated renewable energy strategy. Too often Canadians get confused between coaled and solar resources, so I thought I should make that statement right at the beginning.
Before I go any further, I would like to acknowledge some of the leadership that already exists in this area from the Net-Zero Energy Home Coalition, CMHC, and dedicated and helpful public servants who work tirelessly, particularly in the Department of Natural Resources. While we are not yet members of QUEST, their goals and efforts are laudable. We are a small association with limited resources, so we're just beginning our dialogue with QUEST.
I'd like to thank you for inviting us to appear and for taking on such a forward-thinking concept. The one thing I've learned since joining this industry is that the success and reliability of a forward-looking energy policy for communities across the country will have to have an integration of different energy types or a mixed energy supply agenda embedded in it.
As I was considering this appearance before you, I thought about how I could be helpful. Last year I chaired a solar task force for the Ontario government, and it underlined for me the complexity of the challenges facing governments in this area. How can we make it simple and understandable? How can we be realistic? It struck me that we had a very successful laboratory experiment only 29 kilometres outside of Calgary in the community of Okotoks. As Prime Minister Stephen Harper himself noted, Okotoks is “the greenest community in Canada”.
I am sure all of you are aware of Okotoks. Indeed, you probably know more about it than I do. But for the record, the town of Okotoks became one of the first municipalities in the world to establish growth targets linked to the infrastructure development and environmental caring capacity when it adopted its legacy plan for municipal development in 1998. At that time, the town faced an intersection of its evolution. Dependent on the Sheep River for its water and its ability to treat and dispose of effluent, Okotoks had to choose to either continually grow without limits, in line with regional development and access to regional infrastructure, or take the road less travelled and intentionally choose to live within the caring capacity of its local environment. A community-driven vision was created that chose to respond rather than manipulate the environment in order to sustain its standard of life. It has been a great success.
How does Okotoks work? It established four pillars for a sustainable Okotoks: environmental, social, economic, and fiscal sustainability. It went on to recognize a basic truth:
Sustainability is not a magic cure that can be taken once. It is not a single tool or design feature. It is not a short term vision. Rather, it is a long range philosophy towards design, construction and utilization and maintenance of the built environment that attempts to rectify some of the more serious transgressions of contemporary development practice and living.
My point here is that we do have a successful project from which we can learn.
What next steps are needed? From our perspective, this is where we need to go next.
We need a national road map that will include a strategy on how to create sustainable communities in Canada. We cannot expect government to do this on its own.
We need industry, government, and NGOs like the Net-Zero Energy Home Coalition to work together. And this needs to include all levels of government, not just the federal government.
Any such road map will need to embrace certain core principles or objectives, and the Okotoks pillars are certainly an excellent starting place. It will need to recognize the diversity of the country in terms of climate, energy sources, culture, and economic realities.
Representatives of aboriginal communities must be at the table, as they face great challenges in this area, but they also recognize the opportunities in terms of jobs and other economic activity that adopting sustainable technologies can bring to them.
CanSIA recognizes that the Government of Canada has taken steps to invest in new technology, with solar being part of that initiative. However, it's important to realize that technology on its own is not the only answer. We need to take it another step further and learn how to implement new energy technologies that encompass sustainable principles.
Most importantly, as a country, we need to find the best approaches to link clean energy technology to communities and the built environment. This should be one of the broader objectives of this new road map. Also, we need to address industry capacity. We can develop a road map with objectives, but if we do not have a trained workforce, then we will fail miserably.
We also need to address community awareness. This was driven home to me this week when I was interviewed by the Ottawa Citizen about a family that had decided to put solar panels on their home to generate electricity. They worked with a “handyman who is good with electricity”. But Ottawa Hydro was reluctant to hook them up. Why? Because the minimum standard is to have an electrician do the hookup, and often these electricians work with trained solar industry installers. This, in the end, is about safety.
Adopting new forms of energy like solar and PV, or photovoltaics, is about generating electricity. One quote of mine, which regrettably the Ottawa Citizen did not run was--and I will quote myself--that, “We're not talking about installing a dimmer switch in a dining room: this is about generating electricity.”
In conclusion, from CanSIA's perspective, a truly integrated approach to sustainable communities in Canada requires the following.
First, it requires a road map that is based on sound and responsible objectives.
Second, it requires participation by private and public sectors--and by public, I mean federal, provincial, and municipal--and the NGO community. This does not mean that every province and every territory needs to be at the table, but the group needs to be representative, and it needs to consult. Having chaired a task force in the province of Ontario, we found that the consultations were very enlightening and very useful to the report we finally delivered.
Third, industry capacity must be addressed. We need to be prepared to inform our citizens so that as they adopt sustainability they do it in a responsible, safe, and successful manner.
Finally, we need to have definite timelines to establish the road map. An undertaking like this could go on forever.
Polls are telling us that Canadians are concerned about their environment and looking for ways to adopt more sustainable practices. They want this road map. They need this road map.
Beyond Okotoks, we also know from the European experience that the deployment of sustainable technologies or renewable energy does generate economic activity. It creates jobs--long-term jobs.
Renewable energies like solar, wind, and geothermal are local and they will create jobs in our communities--in your communities and in my community. These are the jobs that we want our young people--my sons--to have going forward.
Thank you for this opportunity to be here today. We'd be happy to respond to any of your questions.