Thank you very much.
I'll ask you to move to the first slide I provided. It's on page 4, and it is not the upper but the lower one, with a number of bars. These bars indicate five different ways to see how the German renewable energy sector has developed over the last 10 years.
When I started working in this area, around the late 1990s, we were told that this is as good as it gets in terms of renewables. As you know, Germany is not a very resource-rich country, either in terms of fossil resources or in terms of renewable energy resources. But because of a decided and very consistent, coherent, and stable policy framework, we were in fact able to develop that resource base quite a bit.
You can see the developments on these slides. In terms of overall final energy consumption, we were able to almost triple our use of reusable renewable energies. In the case of electricity, we were able to multiply it by a factor of 3.5, and in terms of heat, we were able to more than double the use of renewables in this sector.
Nevertheless, the European Union asked us to reach further for more ambitious targets, and you can see those in the slides in the red bars with the little dots. In fact, by 2020 we are asked to achieve 18% of our final energy consumption from renewable energies, and the German government intends to do that by covering 30% of our electricity use from renewables and 14% of our heat use.
Last but not least, we also have to cover a significant share of our transportation needs from biomass, but this is not something we will cover today.
On the next slide, on page 33, which has bars that go across rather than vertically, you can see what this meant for Germany in terms of CO2 emission avoidance. In total, Germany was able to avoid about 117 million tonnes of CO2 in the year 2007 alone. This compares with total emissions in Germany of 820 million tonnes. So we avoid about a seventh of the CO2 emissions from the energy sector just by using renewable energies in the heat and electricity sectors.
If you turn to the slide numbered page 15, you can see where most of this growth comes from; it is the electricity sector. The German system relies, for the most part, on the functioning of a feed-in tariff system, meaning that as long ago as the early nineties, renewable energy electricity producers were guaranteed a specific rate for electricity for each kilowatt hour they produced. But this is only one aspect of why this law was so successful.
A very important aspect also is that the transmission system operator actually is required to buy every kilowatt hour that is produced from renewable energies. Also, the law specifies very clearly who bears the cost of grid connection and what timeframes are allowable for providing that grid connection. These kinds of clear rules save a lot of transaction costs on both sides--on the side of the transmission system operator as well as on the side of the plant operators.
The law is reviewed on a regular basis. It has a built-in digression, meaning that the tariffs go down by a pre-specified rate every year. So if I connect my plant to the grid this year, I will get more than if I wait a year and only connect it next year. This incentivizes early action, and it also adds to the cost-effectiveness of this regulation as well as to the long-term stability of the overall system.
In this review process, the government also uses the opportunity to adjust small technicalities in the law. For example, they provide additional guidance on grid codes and very technical details. This regular review process adds to the overall stability of the whole program.
This is as much as I want to say on the electricity sector, and I'm happy to take questions afterwards.
Let's now turn to heat. Heat generally was not quite as successful as electricity. You can see this on the slide on page 26. The upward trend is not quite as pronounced as it is in electricity. The government is also more cautious in terms of putting out targets on heat, for three reasons, really. The policy instruments that have been used so far have relied on investment subsidies and therefore have been very dependent on the government's budget. Secondly, this also implied that the detailed regulations for this type of support had to be adjusted every half-year, which is a very short timeframe, and basically all the small investors in solar thermal installations, for example, or in small biomass heat installations had to constantly keep track of the investment conditions that were supportive at this point in time and then wait or delay their investment proposals or just drop them. This constant revision of the rules was not very helpful to provide stable growth. So we had those two aspects of the lack of an effective policy framework.
But also, to be honest, the sector is much more difficult, and for renewable electricity generation, normal investment frameworks work. It's easy to build something on a green field. In the heat sector the retrofitting aspect is much more important, so this adds to the difficulties of achieving high growth rates here.
Lastly, I would like to draw your attention to slides 37 and 36, which demonstrate the overall impact these policies had on the German economy. In fact, renewable energies are a major growth factor for the German economy. We have, I believe, about 250,000 jobs in the renewable energy field. Some are consultants, like me, but we are really the very smallest part. We have more than 245,000 jobs in producing the facilities, running the facilities, setting them up, installing them, maintaining them, and financing them.
On slide 36 you can also see the effect on our GDP. It adds to the German economy a total turnover of about 25.5 billion euros, and this actually does not even include those revenues that regenerate from exports, which are significant. You can also see that most of this, 42%, comes from the biomass sector, 30% from the solar sector, and 23% from the wind sector. Hydro power and geothermal play a smaller role here.
Last but not least, in these times of crisis, we also notice that the renewable energy sector is good for the economy in that it is not very affected by the current crisis. We are confident that the sector will continue its growth. Yesterday I was at the Hannover Messe, which is one of the biggest fairs for machinery suppliers. They had to correct their growth predictions downward, but from a very optimistic 26% to a less optimistic 15% growth rate that they still expect to realize this year.
So much for my presentation. I'm looking forward to answering more of your questions.