Yes, I have just a brief comment.
First of all, there are a couple of places where uranium exploration and development have grown quite quickly. Canada used to be the largest known reserve area. It has been surpassed by Australia. Australia has taken off moratoria on some of their mining and expansion. At the same time, Kazakhstan both has been opened up to exploration and has seen developments for the finding of uranium. Until about 2011, we will also see the use of MOX fuels from the conversion of Russian military material into civilian fuels. So in the immediate future and for several decades to come, there is no expectation that there will be the kind of shortage that would cause a huge problem for the industry.
Secondly, in the operation of nuclear plants, the fuel costs are a relatively small amount, less than 5% of the overall operating costs, so the impact is also well restricted against the final price going to the consumer. That, of course, is one of the reasons why the development of the ACR-1000, for instance, looks at reducing the consumption of fuel, looks at a reduced machine to produce more energy, and at the end of the day at getting a more competitive electricity price out to the people. We expect, with those types of advances, that we will see an extension of the life expectancy of the reserves.
The other thing that is interesting about uranium is that as the price goes up it becomes more profitable to go into more marginal deposits. Marginal is a relative term, but I can tell you that in Saskatchewan—for instance, at McArthur River—they have 80% pure uranium deposits, which is just a phenomenal resource for Canada. In other places it's not so good, but as the price goes up, you will find more reserves being opened up, more work going on. In fact, in addition to the different fuels that may be used, we have a very long life expectancy ahead of us.