It's just that this is the preservation of rights. This was referred to earlier in some of the questions about what happens in a nuclear accident. It was repeated again by the witnesses that anything in this bill didn't alleviate the government programs that existed. Clause 28 reads:
Nothing in this Act is to be construed as limiting or restricting any right or obligation arising under
And then paragraph (c) says:
any survivor or disability provision of a pension plan.
One of the things that has been of concern to me is that, to the witnesses' knowledge—under any pension plans or these other things listed—I don't suspect a lot of these pension plans deal with nuclear accidents. I'm trying to feel confirmed that a group of workers will not have their pension plans essentially voided because they don't have access to a company that has experienced one of these nuclear accidents.
Did the government look at any provisions that exist under the pension plans of employees who work at these plants? There's this whole question back to how the folks who were involved in the accident can't be compensated, right? We went through the discussion earlier about how, if workers at a plant are out of work for two years, that could be quite devastating to a community if the EI runs out after seven or eight months. This act does not allow the workers to seek any compensation for wages, but a person working at the McDonald's next door could be compensated for wages.
I'm asking the same question with respect to pensions. If a pension plan has a stipulation within it that you can no longer receive benefits, or if you can't pay into the pension if you've stopped working, essentially, if you're a 40-year-old or 45-year-old worker, an accident at a plant could end up jeopardizing your pension, could it not? What does this act say about that?
I'm trying to imagine the people directly implicated by this and if there's anything in their contracts that will then be affected in the event of an accident.