The upgrading program to homes today is really, in a lot of cases, cosmetic in a lot of areas that are energy conserving. But that's where the education comes in. And the education is, where should they start? Good, better, best, as I've always said. So what is the best approach for the biggest bang for the buck? Is it going to be in furnaces? Is it going to be in comfort, in windows and insulation? Is it going to be what they can afford?
The confusing aspect of the home is understanding how the home works, first of all. Is it giving them the comfort? Is it giving them the quality of air? Is it giving them the lesser degree of--using that term “mould” again--identification of mould on windowsills and in bedroom closets?
The consumer has to be educated. Those who have put in upgrades in furnaces and windows, yes, they see the benefits. They see the comfort; they feel the comfort. They haven't seen, really, the dollars and cents come back in the form of savings outside of the grant they're going to receive through the program. But where they have really come to me and questioned me is, where can we go next? Where can we continue? Where can we call the home a home? I quite often will say to the homeowner, you can recall back about 10 years ago when you'd buy a home and a home inspector was almost a shuddering point; you'd say, we don't want home inspectors, and the realtors would say, we don't want home inspectors. But now they're as common as the common cold.
I could see the day where with the renovation industry, the retrofit, the upgrades, the energy upgrades, when you buy a home the question is going to be asked: has this home ever been audited? Has it ever had an energy audit performed? Has it ever been part of the federal program or the provincial program? Are there benefits? What does it cost to operate this home? We have a home right now on the market ourselves, the family, and the interesting thing is I've never had anybody ask me, what does it cost to operate this home?
So those are really the concerns of the consumer, Mr. Hiebert.
They ask, where are the benefits coming from? They can see where they're getting the dollars back if they invest, but are they going to get it back in the form of dollars and cents or is it going to be in quality of life?